PLOS Webinar: “Open 2.0 -- Big Teams, Big Problems: Open science practices in collaborative science”
Let’s Talk about Science Reform!
A Workshop on Theoretical and Methodological Approaches to Investigating the Open Science Movemen t Normal 0 21 false false false X-NONE X-NONE
Location: The event will be held in Berlin. Exact location: tbc
Open Data Seminar
Location: Campus Virchow-Klinikum
Workshop on Preregistration in Psychology and related fields
Preregistration involves defining hypotheses, methods, and analysis plans before data collection to improve research credibility and replicability. This workshop, led by Björn Siepe (University of Marburg) and Anabel Büchner (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin), explores the effectiveness of preregistration, its benefits, and challenges across study designs. Targeted at researchers and graduate students in psychology or related fields, the session combines theoretical insights, practical guidance, and discussions on participants' research. No prior experience is required, but familiarity with preregistration is helpful.
Location: Hörsaal 02 at Invalidenstr. 42, 10115 Berlin
Questionable Research Practices
Location: Remote Participation: Zoom Time: Jan 27, 2025 02:15 PM Amsterdam, Berlin, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna Meeting ID: 619 3651 1426 In Persona: Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin Institut für Bibliotheks- und Informationswissenschaft Dorotheenstr. 26, 10117 Berlin Room 121
Workshop on Open science and Inclusion in research cooperations
Open science aims at improving the transparency of knowledge generation and has the potential to address problems of inequity. The UNESCO Recommendation on Open Science focuses on the availability and accessibility of science by all who need it, and on equal possibilities of knowledge generation, access, and use. So far, however, scientific knowledge has mainly been generated and is mostly accessible in high-income countries (HICs) while researchers from low and middle-income countries (LMICs) are rarely given co-leadership in open science discussions. Our one-day online workshop and training will focus on fostering and implementing equal collaborations with research partners in LMICs and address open sciences practices in projects implemented in LMICs. The aim is to offer researchers from HICs insights on what to expect when preparing for research in LMICs on an equal level and give concrete advice on how to best implement open science practices. The workshop will be interactive. The lecturers will provide practice examples from projects conducted in Kenyan urban, rural and remote settings and guide practice sessions addressing issues such as forming equitable research teams, developing the research grant application, implementing open data, methods and materials, preparing ethic approvals, using and modifying research instruments developed in HICs, preparing participants to receive the study, aspects of collaboratively managing and reporting on grant resources, open access publications, and dissemination of findings both in HICs and LMICs, among other details. The workshop will allow time for participants to seek clarification on aspects of their current or planned projects relevant to the discussion topics. Our sessions will be the following: 1) First session offered by Pamela Wadende & Henriette Zeidler (8.30-10 CET, 10.30-12 EAT): Managing resources and research teams in collaborations between HICs and LMICs This session will offer insights into the details of managing research projects in LMICs. We focus on financial management as well as on ways of bringing local assistants on board to build strong, long-lasting teams on the ground. Our local assistants will provide their practical experience to the training.Our experiences are based on projects which involve multiple sites in LMICs and are led by local researchers: Two projects funded by the Templeton World Charity Foundation in Northern Kenya, Ethiopia, and Cameroon (led by Pamela Wadende), a Swedish Research Council project with Linkoping University, and a UKRI-ESRC funded project in collaboration with Aston University, the University of Sheffield, and the University of Zambia. 2) Second session offered by Joel Wambua and Patrick Forscher (10.15-11.45 CET, 12.15-13.45 EAT): Acknowledging local ethical requirements: Consent, ethical clearance, and open science in LMCIs Based upon their experiences at a LMIC research organization (Busara, Nairobi), Joel Wambua and Patrick Forscher will share insights into the challenges of acquiring ethical clearances in LMICs and present the complexities of assuring informed consent in political-economic unstable and complex environments, such as informal settlements. Furthermore, they will reflect on research hierarchies between Global North researchers and research participants from the Global South and share their experiences about open science efforts in East Africa. 3) Third session offered by Mario Schmidt and Ben Eyre (12.15-13.45 CET, 14.15-15.45 EAT): Setting up research teams across the Global North/South divide and acquiring funds This session will share insights into the process of setting up a research team and acquiring funds for a project. It will use as an example an ongoing multidisciplinary and international research project funded by the British Academy. We will talk about several practical issues (including how they vary depending on who you are working with and how). We will speak frankly about recent (even ongoing) examples of opportunities and challenges when trying to work collaboratively across different types of organizations, differences in research cultures, profound enduring inequalities, and information asymmetries. 4) Forth session bringing together the whole team (14-15.30 CET, 16-17.30 EAT): Disseminating results in just ways: publishing, open access, feedback to participants (plus general Q&A on the other topics) This session will bring together all workshop participants to share their experience with disseminating research results both to the larger scientific community as well as to local research participants. It is designed as an open discussion between the lecturers and the audience. Depending on the audience, it might, e.g., focus on barriers inhibiting inclusivity and visibility of LMIC scholars as well as on challenges of feeding back scientific results to local communities. About the lecturers Pamela Wadende is a lecturer of Developmental psychology at Kisii University, Kenya. She is interested in childhood education and human flourishing in general and has worked among the Turkana of Northern Kenya surveying mental health literacy among adolescents, conceptualizations, pathways and impediments to human flourishing, character development among children in school and home settings, and with populations in Ethiopia and Zambia. Some funders for her various projects include: Templeton World Charity Foundation for the projects in Northern Kenya, Gondar in Ethiopia and Bamenda in Cameroon for which she is a PI, a UKRI-ESRC project with Aston University, University of Sheffield, UK and University of Zambia and Swedish research council project with Linkoping University surveying flourishing in the face of climate change. Mario Schmidt is a senior research specialist at Busara, Kenya with a background in anthropology. He has over fifteen years of experience working in Kenya and has conducted fieldwork in western Kenya and Nairobi. His research interests include changing notions of masculinity, experiences of stress and financial pressure, and the viability of qualitative methods in the development sector. Henriette Zeidler is a postdoctoral fellow at Sapienza University in Italy and Kisii University in Kenya and has been conducting research on children's social and cognitive development in sub-Saharan Africa since 2011. Supported by a team of local assistants, she recently established a small start-up and has been implementing cross-cultural research projects in Kenya for a wide range of partners from the Global North, including the University of Gothenburg (Sweden), Aston University (UK), the University of Bern (Switzerland), and UC Berkeley (USA). Ben Eyre is a Leverhulme Early Career Fellow at the University of East Anglia in the UK and has been working in East Africa since 2016, focusing on philanthropy, sustainable finance, and research infrastructures. He is also the PI of a British Academy funded project exploring the lived experiences of enumerators working in ‘evidence based development’ and how these relate to data quality. Patrick Forscher is a leading scholar in the international open and meta-science movement. He is director of the only meta-research team in the East African scientific ecosystem, Busara’s meta-research team “CREME” (Culture, Research Methods, and Ethics). His team fuses the methods and perspectives of meta-research with the focus areas of global development. Joel Wambua is a research specialist at Busara. He has been working on how the relationship between research organization and research participants can be improved both ethically and scientifically. His research interest focuses on applied behavioral economics and questions relating to public policy and research ethics, as well as on adapting research measures that are contextually relevant. The workshop is supported by the Berlin University Alliance's Open Science Ambassador Programme .
Lecture: Scholarly Communication
Location: Digital: Meeting ID: 615 1832 9372 In Persona: Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin Institut für Bibliotheks- und Informationswissenschaft Dorotheenstr. 26, 10117 Berlin Room 121
Research Software Networking Meetup
If you write software for research and would like to meet others to exchange ideas, you are welcome to join Alexander Struck and other research software engineers. We can discuss Open Science, FAIR principles, and your topics of interest. Some of the topics are: - DFG guidelines on software - FAIR principles for Research Software - Researchers as system admins - Software Management Plans (SMP) - green/fast/secure/reproducible/… computing Please add your name to this list for organizational purposes. This event is supported by the Open-Science-Ambassador-Programme of the Berlin University Alliance.
Location: Cluster of Excellence Matters of Activity — Sophienstraße 22a, 2nd backyard, 2nd floor
Open Science Ambassadors
Roundtable discussion at the online colloquium of the Objective 3 - Advancing Research Quality and Value of the Berlin University Alliance.
Location: Online only: Webex: Meeting-Kennnummer: 2793 425 1621 Passwort: 3AJprf6Kdr8
Lecture: Open Research Data and Artificial Intelligence
Location: In-person participation: Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin Institut für Bibliotheks- und Informationswissenschaft Dorotheenstraße 26, 10117 Berlin Room 121 Remote Participation: Zoom Time: Nov 18, 2024 02:15 PM Amsterdam, Berlin, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna Meeting ID: 689 8605 1037
Superb Supervision - Mentoring your PhD Candidate towards responsible Research Practices
This course is designed to help supervisors of doctoral students not only to develop their supervision skills but also to strengthen their ability to integrate Responsible Research Practices into the supervision process from the very beginning. The goal is not only to strengthen a research culture characterized by openness and communication. It is just as much about creating conditions with which practices of responsible research are established early in the research process. In this way, a sustainable contribution to ensuring the quality of research is to be made.
Location: The event will take place on-site at the Freie Universität Berlin. You will receive all details on the workshop shortly before the event date.
The Narrative CV Format
This event is part of the Colloquium Series of the Objective 3: Advancing Research Quality and Value. It is co-organized by the Objective 4: Promoting Talent, and the Action Research on Research Culture Project (ARRC) at the University of Cambridge, with participation of the German Research Foundation (DFG).
Location: Online only Webex
Review Quality Collector: Reviewing as a source of reputation
Presentation at the online colloquium of the Objective 3 - Advancing Research Quality and Value of the Berlin University Alliance.
Location: Webex Meeting-Kennnummer (Zugriffscode): 2787 708 5593
STI 2024 - International Conference on Science, Technology and Innovation Indicators
The aim of the event is to explore the complicated dynamics between concepts of openness and closedness in science, technology and innovation and to highlight their implications for research, policy and practice.
Location: Fraunhofer-Forum Berlin, Anna-Louisa-Karsch Str. 2, 10178 Berlin and Faculty of Economic Sciences of the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Spandauer Str. 1, 10178 Berlin .
Bringing light into the thicket of versions
The "Data Versioning" interest group of the Research Data Alliance has developed six principles that can be used to describe versioning. This presentation will introduce the principles of versioning research data and discuss their application in practice.
Location: The colloquium takes place online. You can obtain the access data by sending an informal e-mail to:
Meeting of the Journal Club for Diversity and Responsible Research and Innovation
Location: Meeting-ID: 957 6165 3396 Kenncode: 487086
Workshop "Research data publications between dynamics and persistence"
Location: Robert-Koch-Forum des Einstein Center Digital Future (ECDF), Wilhelmstraße 67, 10117 Berlin
Meeting of the Journal Club for Diversity and Responsible Research and Innovation
Location: Meeting-ID: 957 6165 3396 Kenncode: 487086
Current developments in the BUA OpenX initiative
Presentation as part of the online colloquium of Goal 3 - Advancing Research Quality and Value of the Berlin University Alliance.
Location: Webex Link: MeetingID: 2733 297 1923 Passwort: ydRTS3BeH75 via video system Dial You can also dial and enter your meeting ID. Via Phone +49-619-6781-9736 Germany Toll +49-89-95467578 Germany Toll 2 access code: 2733 297 1923
Meeting of the Journal Club for Diversity and Responsible Research and Innovation
Location: Meeting-ID: 957 6165 3396 Kenncode: 487086
Publish Research Hardware: Why, What, How?
Presentation in the framework of the Online-Colloquium of the Berlin University Alliance's Objective 3 - Advancing Research Quality and Value.
Location: Webex: Meeting-Kennnummer: 2790 205 1299 Passwort: CEk5PupRP38
Research Integrity in Practice
Presentation at the online colloquium of the Advancing Research Quality and Value focus area of the Berlin University Alliance.
Location: Webex Meeting-Link: Meeting-ID: 2788 947 1278 Meeting Password: BPrxzVgj776
The Pitfalls of Bad Practices in Genetic Big Data and AI
Location: Einstein Center Digital Future Robert-Koch-Forum Wilhelmstraße 67 10117 Berlin
Webinar for BUA-PhD Students: What is the new Open Science mission statement about and how can I engage with it?
Location: Webex (link follows registration)
Meeting of the Journal Club for Diversity and Responsible Research and Innovation
Location: Meeting-ID: 957 6165 3396 Kenncode: 487086
Webinar for BUA-Postdocs: What is the new Open Science mission statement about and how can I engage with it?
Location: Webex (link follows registration)
Nanobubbles - Correcting the Scientific Record
Presentation at the online colloquium of the Objective 3 - Advancing Research Quality and Value of the Berlin University Alliance.
Location: Online: Webex
How to preserve data in a monolingual environment. Introducing the project Closing the Gap in Non-Latin Script Data
Workshop to be held at the Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Hamburg Carl von Ossietzky.
Workshop: Open Science and Research Quality
(Abstract) In this interactive workshop, we will introduce student and early career participants to concepts of research quality and Open Science. The workshop briefly introduces the science policy context of these two areas and explores the relationship between quality and openness. In addition, participants will be introduced to practical examples of openness and quality assurance in the research process and provided with concrete tools.
Location: Geschäftsstelle der Berlin University Alliance Kleine Präsidentenstraße 1, 10178 Berlin (S Hackescher Markt)
The Impact of Diversity on Research Quality: Exploring the Knowledge Gap
Panel discussion in Berlin with live stream
Location: Museum für Naturkunde, Berlin Live-Stream
Closing the Gap in Non-Latin Script Data
Lecture by Prof. Dr. Beatrice Gründler (Freie Universität Berlin), Dr. Theodore Beers (Freie Universität Berlin), Dr. Jonas Müller-Laackman (Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Hamburg Carl von Ossietzky) at the Colloquium of the Objective 3.
Location: Webex
Research Assessment at BUA
Location: Webex
Talk and Diskussion about African Research Collaboration
Prof. Dr. Nelius Boshoff and Dr. Similo Ngwenya (Center for Research on Evaluation, Science and Technology, Stellenbosch University, South Africa) will present a paper on the relationship between open science and international collaboration in Africa. Professor Dr. Isabella Aboderin (Chair in African Research and Partnerships, Director of the Perivoli Africa Resarch Centre, University of Bristol) will be the discussant.
Location: Robert Merton Center for Science Studies Seminar Room 4.35 Schönhauser Allee 10-11 10119 Berlin and hybrid / Zoom
Open Science Conference
At this year's international Open Science Conference, the BUA-funded project team Open Make. Towards Open and FAIR Hardware (FUB, HUB, TUB) will discuss how to create a Research Hardware Publication Ecosystem.
Location: The conference will take place online. A registration is necessary at
How to prevent predatory publishing? Think.Check.Submit Initiative and other helpful tools.
Lecture by Dr. Armin Glatzmeier (Freie Universität Berlin) at the Colloquium of the Objective 3.
Location: Webex
Die Open Science Strategie in der BUA
Location: Webex
What is 'research quality'? Disciplinary dimensions and perspectives
Panel discussion organized by the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences, and Humanities, the Einstein Foundation Berlin, the QUEST Center at the Berlin Institute of Health of the Charité, and the Berlin University Alliance.
Location: Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Einstein Hall, Academy Building at Gendarmenmarkt, Jägerstr. 22/23, 10117 Berlin.
QUEST Seminar on Responsible Research
By Ugo Moschini, Data scientist at the Data Analysis Office, Research Organization Department, Italian Institute of Technology, Italy
Groundwork for AI: Enforcing a benchmark for neoantigen prediction in personalized cancer immunotherapy
Event organized by the Robert K. Merton Center for Science Studies.
BUA Open Science Dashboards - development of indicators and screening tools for prototypical implementation.
Presentation by Dr. Maxi Kindling, Open Access Office Berlin and Dr. Evgeny Bobrov, QUEST / Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin at the colloquium of the Objective 3.
Location: Webex
Responsible Supervision from the perspective of the PhD candidate and the supervisor
Event organized in the framework of the QUEST Seminar on Responsible Research (QSRR)
Research Quality and Value from the perspective of an Excellence Cluster
Lecture by Dr. René Bernard, Exzellenzcluster NeuroCure / Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin at the colloquium of the Objective 3.
Location: Webex
OBUA Lunch Talk
"The potential impact of AI generated texts on good scientific practice and Ombuds work"
Location: Webex
Open.Make - Towards Open and Fair Hardware
Lecture by Dr. Robert Mies (Technische Universität Berlin) at the colloquium of the Objective 3.
Location: Webex
Open Innovation
Cooperation with politics, civil society and industry is often understood as a programmatic third mission for universities and is currently being called for again to a greater extent. Open Science practices such as translational research in medicine, transdisciplinary approaches, Citizen Science or Open Innovation promise to support such collaborations. Dr. Gregana Romanova (University of Copenhagen / Denmark) will introduce the concept of 'Open Innovation' and report from her research on cooperation between universities and companies in Denmark. Marte Sybil Kessler, program area manager for "Innovation, Transfer and Cooperation" at the Stifterverband, will participate as a discussant. The event will be held in English. The lecture, which is aimed equally at students and an interested professional audience, will take place as part of the lecture series "Open Science and Research Quality" in the winter semester 2022-23, which is jointly organized by the Berlin University Alliance and its focus area Advancing Research Quality and Value, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, and the Robert K. Merton Center for Science Research. The lecture series began on October 17, 2022, and takes place every Monday from 2 to 4 p.m. (c.t.). Abstract of the Lecture Series: Not only since the pandemic has there been a consensus in science and society that research must meet the highest scientific standards. Science should produce valid research results and inform society and politics. This results in a whole range of requirements for modern "good" science. At the same time, the understanding of what constitutes good science can vary. Accessibility and transparency, traceability and verifiability, interdisciplinarity, and inclusion of non-academic actors are widely accepted as general characteristics in this context. How these criteria can be implemented in each specific field, on the other hand, is not always clear. While the question of sustainable improvement of research quality and the implementation of measures within the framework of the Open Science movement is already extensively discussed in some disciplines and good practice examples already exist in large numbers (e.g., in the life sciences), concrete recommendations for action in other disciplines can be searched for in vain (e.g., humanities). The variance of the different disciplines, the demand for more uniform standards in science and the related problems will be discussed in this event with different international speakers. The theoretical discussion will be framed by concrete "good practice" examples from different disciplines. The lecture is aimed at students of the MA program in Science Studies at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin and is open to Master's and PhD students of all disciplines and institutions of the Berlin University Alliance. The event is also open to an interested (professional) audience. Sessions of the lecture series are held in German and English.
Location: The lecture and discussion will be held digitally: Meeting ID: 694 1426 5610 One tap mobile +496950502596,,69414265610# Germany +496971049922,,69414265610# Germany
Diamond Open Access - Where is science communication heading?
Location: The lecture and discussion will be held digitally: Meeting ID: 694 1426 5610 One tap mobile +496950502596,,69414265610# Germany +496971049922,,69414265610# Germany
Publication Bias - Analysis of Non-Publication and Non-Reception of Results in Disciplinary Comparison
Lecture by Dr. Helen Niemeyer (Freie Universität Berlin) and Dr. Felicitas Heßelmann (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin) at the colloquium of the Objective 3.
Location: digital
Legal issues in Open Science
Location: The lecture and discussion will be held digitally: Meeting ID: 694 1426 5610 One tap mobile +496950502596,,69414265610# Germany +496971049922,,69414265610# Germany
Data Feminism
What is hidden behind the concept of 'Data Feminism'? And what does it mean for scientific work with data and for research data?
Location: The event takes place digitally: Meeting ID: 694 1426 5610 One tap mobile +496950502596,,69414265610# Germany +496971049922,,69414265610# Germany
Credit where it's due. Just a matter of fairness?
Registration for panel discussion on January 9, 2023 in Berlin is open now!
How can "good research" be evaluated?
Stephen Curry, Imperial College London und DORA, am 9. Januar 2023 live in Berlin!
Location: Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Unter den Linden 6, 10117 Berlin, Hauptgebäude, 2. Stock, Hörsaal 3038
Transnational Feminist Dialogues on Science, Technology and Society | Openness in Science
Convened by the University Library at FU Berlin and the Margherita von Brentano Center for Gender Studies
Location: Online event: Webex Meetings
Research assessment reform - A remarkable year in review
We cordially invite you to an end-of-year meeting at QUEST.
Location: Atrium, QUEST Center, BIH, Spreepalais or via Teams
Academic Autonomy and Interculturality in times of Open Science
Lecture by Prof. Fernanda Beigel (National University of Cuyo / Argentinien) with a commentary by Dr. Ertuğ Tombuş (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin) as part of the lecture series Open Science and Research Quality in the winter semester 2022-23.
Systematic, transparent, and community-based assessment and quality control of research data
Lecture by Prof. Gustav Nilsonne (Karolinska Institute, Sweden) with a commentary by Sibylle Söring (Freie Universität Berlin) as part of the lecture series Open Science and Research Quality in the winter semester 2022-23.
Project OBUA - Ombudssystem at the Berlin University Alliance
Presentation of the project at the colloquium of Objective 3 - Advancing Research Quality and Value.
Good practice for safeguarding research quality in the qualitative empirical social sciences
Lecture by Prof. Jörg Strübing (Universität Tübinungen) with a commentary by Alex Fenton (German Center for Higher Education and Science Studies) as part of the lecture series Open Science and Research Quality in the winter semester 2022-23.
Open Source Hardware – Fields of application in the engineering sciences
Lecture by Dr. Robert Mies (Technische Universität Berlin) with a commentary by Prof. Dr. Michelle Christensen (Technische Universität Berlin) as part of the lecture series Open Science and Research Quality in the winter semester 2022-23.
Berlin Science Survey: The perspectives of scientists in the discussion about research quality and Open Science
Talk by Dr. Jens Ambrasat and Dr. Denise Lüdtke (both Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin) at the lecture series "Open Science und Forschungsqualität" in the winter semester 2022-23.
Research quality and standards in the humanities
Lecture by Professor Beatrice Gründler (Freie Universität Berlin) with a commentary by Professor Verena Klemm (University of Leipzig) as part of the lecture series Open Science and Research Quality in the winter semester 2022-23.
Open Urban Climate Observatory
Colloquium of the Objective 3 - Advancing Research Quality and Value
How Registered Reports can lead to better science and less stress
Lecture by Prof. Dr. Dorothy Bishop (University of Oxford) in the framework of the lecture series Open Science and Research Qality.
Superb Supervision – Mentoring your PhD Candidate towards Responsible Research
The event will take place in Berlin and is free of charge for participants. Up to 12 places will be allocated on a first come, first served basis.
Colloquium of the Objective 3
Open Science at the Berlin University Alliance - 10 strategic goals until 2030
Conference "Reproducibility, Replicability and Trust in Science"
Improving the robustness of scientific research. Hybrid Conference organized by Wellcome Connecting Science with onsite attendance in Cambridge, United Kingdom.
Workshop "Scientific Authorship and Peer Review"
Location: Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Dorotheenstraße 26, 10117 Berlin. Room 121 (1st floor)
Co-creation workshops for BUA's digital research space
Colloquium of the Objective 3 – Advancing Research Quality and Value
Location: Zoom
Open Space Conference "OpenX - a strategy for open science in the Berlin University Alliance"
On July 8, 2022, the Open Space conference will take place at the Berlin Environmental Forum as part of the OpenX initiative: Why do we support Open Science and how do we want to promote openness?
Research Quality and working conditions of Early Career Researchers
Colloquium of the Objective 3 – Advancing Research Quality and Value
Location: Zoom
Workshop: Frontiers of the Evaluation
Workshop in Honor of the Memory of Henk F. Moed.
KETAK - New paths in university medicine: career development and translation between autonomy and cooperation
Colloquium of the Objective 3 – Advancing Research Quality and Value
Location: Zoom
Responsible Indicators - Investigating the status quo of various models of performance-based allocation of funds (LOM)
Colloquium of the Objective 3 – Advancing Research Quality and Value
Location: Zoom
Research Data: Developments, Services and Conflicts
Panel Discussion