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Open Science Ambassadors – new roles or old hats for researchers?

Nov 27, 2024 | 02:00 PM s.t. - 03:30 PM
OS Ambassadors_2024

OS Ambassadors_2024
Image Credit: Simon Brunel

Roundtable discussion at the online colloquium of the Objective 3 - Advancing Research Quality and Value of the Berlin University Alliance.

The Open X initiative of Objective 3: Advancing Research Quality has been committed to anchoring open science practices in the BUA since 2021. A new step is the ‘Open Science Ambassador’ programme, which was launched in August and in which 25 researchers from all status groups are currently involved. The panel discussion with Helen Niemeyer (FU Berlin), Nassim Mehran (Charité) and Thies Johannsen (TU Berlin) will focus on open science in everyday research, expectations of the new role and opportunities and obstacles to promoting open science. The discussion will be moderated by Stefan Skupien and will be held in English.

The colloquium is aimed at scientists of all status groups and interested parties from all scientific and non-scientific fields. You will find the access data at the end of this announcement.

Time & Location

Nov 27, 2024 | 02:00 PM s.t. - 03:30 PM

Online only:
Meeting-Kennnummer: 2793 425 1621
Passwort: 3AJprf6Kdr8

Further Information

Dr. Stefan Skupien
Berlin University Alliance
Scientific Coordinator für Open Science
Objective – Advancing Research Quality and Value
E-Mail: stefan.skupien@berlin-university-alliance.de