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Partnership Networking Event: An Opportunity for Exchange for the Oxford-Berlin Research Community

Networking Event of the Oxford Berlin Research Partnership

Networking Event of the Oxford Berlin Research Partnership

On October 18, 2023, the Oxford Berlin Research Partnership welcomed researchers and stakeholders who have received funding under the Partnership or are otherwise involved in the research partnership between Oxford and Berlin. In the main building of TU Berlin, the community was able to exchange ideas and network with each other.

News from Oct 23, 2023

After words of welcome by the Academic Directors of the Oxford Berlin Research Partnership, Prof Andrew Hurrell and Prof Çiğdem İşsever, Einstein BUA/Oxford Visiting Fellow Prof Stefano Evangelista gave a short talk on the importance of international collaboration in science. Afterwards researchers from the institutions of the Berlin University Alliance presented their projects and their experiences in collaboration with the University of Oxford. Marina Kolesnichenko (Charité) reported on the OxBer Summer School of Rheumatology and the resulting intensive collaboration with her Oxford colleague Audrey Gérard. Evelina Bazaeva (HU) received an Early Career Researcher grant from the Partnership in October this year and made exciting discoveries in the Oxford archives on her research topic "The Cinematic Poetics of British Women Novelists in the Interwar Period". Stefan Frielingsdorf (TU) traveled to Oxford in September with a group of scientists who shared the common research topic of catalysis to exchange ideas with their Oxford colleagues in a workshop. Jana Kluiber and Camilo Goez Restrepo (FU) received funding from the Flexible Funds for their Latin America Summer School, which they are planning to establish as a yearly event. After the short presentations, there was enough time for a lively exchange. 

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