UK-German Funding Opportunities - Information Session
The Berlin University Alliance (BUA) invites all interested members of its institutions to explore funding opportunities for joint research projects with partners in the United Kingdom on the afternoon of 19 February 2025. The afternoon offers: • Information about various funding formats: from open seed funding opportunities to long-term, thematic project funding • Expert presentations: by German and British funding bodies • Networking opportunities: Afterwards, there will be an opportunity to network with other BUA researchers and representatives of the funding organisations. Please register by 11 February by clicking on the following link: Registration Programme: 14.30-14.40 Welcome and Opening Dr. Yoan Vilain, Vice-Provost for International and European Affairs, HU Berlin 14.40-14.50 Circle U. Alliance and seed-funding opportunities with King’s College London + Joint PhD with King’s College London Dr. Fritzi-Marie Titzmann, Alliance Manager Circle U., HU Berlin Prof. Dr. Anne Enderwitz, Director Joint PhD Programme with King’s College London, HU Berlin 14.50-15.00 European University Hospital Alliance and seed-funding opportunities with King’s Health Partners Dr. Anna van Santen, Head of International Affairs, Charité 15.10-15.20 Overview of the UK funding landscape and collaboration with Germany Dr. Olaf Kranz, Head of Science and Innovation Network, British Embassy Berlin 15.20-15.30 Joint bilateral funding opportunities by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) and UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) Dorothea Fendel, Referentin Internationale Zusammenarbeit, DFG 15.30-15.40 Programmes offered by the Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung Dr. Emily Lines, Team Leader Frontiers of Research Programme, Alexander von Humboldt Foundation 15.40-15.55 Programmes offered by the British Academy (via videolink), followed by Q&A Hugo Clarke, Deputy Head of International, British Academy 15.55-16.10 Programmes offered by the Royal Society (via videolink), followed by Q&A Ryan Ahmed, Senior Manager International Grants, Royal Society 16.10-16.20 Funding lines under Horizon Europe (ERC & Marie Curie) Dr. Elke Gehweiler, Head of EU Office, TU Berlin 16.20-17.30 Individual Q&A and Networking
Ort: Senatssaal, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin main building Unter den Linden 6, 10117 Berlin
THE OXFORD-BERLIN LECTURE - Where is Le Borysthène? Writing about “Russian“ Ballet Today
Ort: Centre for British Studies Mohrenstraße 60 10117 Berlin Room 105 and online via Zoom
Oxford-Berlin Colloquium 2025
The 2025 Oxford-Berlin Colloquium will be held in Oxford in January 2025 and bring together scholars and professionals to discuss a variety of topics, hosted by Dr Caroline Green (Oxford) and Luise Müller (Freie Universitat Berlin).
Ort: Beit Room, Rhodes House, South Parks Road, Oxford, OX1 3RG
1st Berlin-BioTECH Symposium “Difficult to Express Proteins (DEP)”
Ort: Versuchs- und Lehranstalt für Brauerei in Berlin (VLB) e.V. Seestraße 13, 13353 Berlin, Germany
THE OXFORD-BERLIN LECTURE - A History of International Thought Without Men
Ort: Centre for British Studies Mohrenstraße 60 10117 Berlin Room 105 and online via Zoom
“Who’s getting it right? Making sense of China’s Foreign and Tech policy” - Lecture by Prof. Todd Hall from the University of Oxford
This is the first lecture of the "Lecture Series on Science, Technology, and Innovation" hosted by the Berlin Contemporary China Network (BCCN), an initiative by researchers at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Freie Universität Berlin, Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology, and Technische Universität Berlin. It is organized by TU Berlin.
Ort: Humboldt University Berlin Department for East Asian Studies Johannisstr. 10 10117 Berlin Room 301
Researching with Society: International Perspectives
HU Office for Knowledge Exchange with Society at Zentrum für Kulturtechnik and TD-Lab – Laboratory for Transdisciplinary Research of the Berlin University Alliance present “Researching with Society: International Perspectives” on November 20th 2024, a get-together at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin on participatory research and public engagement offering learning and networking opportunities for Berlin researchers.
Ort: Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Campus Nord, Philippstraße 13, Haus 3, 10115 Berlin
Democracy under attack: Round Table beim Falling Walls Science Summit
Wie in den letzten Jahren ist die Berlin University Alliance mit einem Round Table beim Falling Walls Science Summit vertreten.
Ort: Falling Walls Science House Karl-Marx-Allee 34 10178 Berlin
BUA-Oxford Science Exchange Week
In the week from 28 October 2024 to 1 November 2024, the STEM team of the Oxford Berlin Research Partnership will hold various workshops in the areas of Energy/PV & Batteries, Catalysis/Hydrogenases, Automation and Bioenergy.
Panel discussion: The 2024 UK General Election. Results, Politics and Public Opinion
Ort: Centre for British Studies Mohrenstr. 60, 10117 Berlin
"Nach Rilke: Übersetzung, Nachahmung, poetischer Dialog" - DHC-Vorlesung mit Karen Leeder.
Ort: Freie Universität Berlin Seminarzentrum, Raum L 115 Otto-von-Simson-Straße 26 14195 Berlin
“Rethinking global challenges – Sustainable Energies” - workshop and networking event
This workshop aims to bring together researchers from Berlin ( BUA and BR50 ) and Oxford university to lay the foundation for further impactful collaborations and plan collaborative applications to existing calls from diverse funding agencies.
Ort: TU Berlin EINS - Innovationsplattform und Coworkingspace Ernst-Reuter-Platz 1, 10587 Berlin
3. Symposium der Oxford Berlin Research Partnership: Futures – new knowledge for a complex world
In einer Welt des ständigen Wandels wächst die Notwendigkeit, mögliche Herausforderungen und Szenarien für die Zukunft neu zu imaginieren. Schaffen wir das? Während globale Herausforderungen wie Klimawandel und Migration globale Lösungen erfordern, laufen wir Gefahr, in die alte Welt der geopolitischen Rivalität, der kapitalistischen Instabilität, der nationalistischen Selbstbehauptung und der großen Kriege zurückzukehren. Wie Albert Einstein sagte: „Probleme kann man niemals mit derselben Denkweise lösen, durch die sie entstanden sind“ – doch wir laufen Gefahr, genau das zu tun. Bei diesem Symposium kommen Denker*innen aus Berlin, Oxford und darüber hinaus im renommierten Humboldt-Forum zusammen, um einen Blick auf die wahrscheinliche Zukunft einer komplexen Welt zu werfen, in der das „Alte“ und das „Neue“ aufeinandertreffen. Sie befassen sich mit dem Übergang von globalen Herausforderungen zu planetarischen Erfordernissen und den Auswirkungen neuer Technologien und neuer Formen wissenschaftlicher Erkenntnisse (Entwicklungen der Demokratie, Gesundheit, neue Formen der Energie und Entwürfe der sozialen Organisation und Vernetzung). Wir hoffen, dass Sie am Mittwoch, den 3. Juli 2024, Zeit haben, um sich mit uns im Humboldt-Forum einem ganztägigen Programm zu widmen, das sich mit verschiedenen Aspekten der „Zukunft“ in unseren gemeinsamen Forschungsdisziplinen befasst: MINT, Medizin, Sozialwissenschaften und Geisteswissenschaften. Den Link zur Anmeldung und das vollständige Programm finden Sie unten auf dieser Seite.
Ort: Saal 3 Humboldt Forum Schlossplatz 1 10178 Berlin
The Oxford-Berlin Lecture: Britain, Europe and the Changing Global Order since 1900
This lecture is a cooperation between the Centre for British Studies and the Franco-German Centre Marc Bloch, associated institute of the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin.
Ort: Centre for British Studies Mohrenstr. 60, 10117 Berlin
Distinguished Speaker Series - Science of Intelligence (SCIoI): Asifa Majid
Asifa Majid (University of Oxford)
Ort: MAR Building, Marchstraße 23, 10587 Berlin Room: MAR 2.057
Entangled. Being-with-music
Guest lecture by Prof. Dr. Eric F. Clarke, FBA (University of Oxford)
Ort: Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin Department of Musicology and Media Studies Am Kupfergraben 5 10117 Berlin Room 501
Rethinking global challenges – Sustainable Energies
Open preparatory meeting for an Oxford-Berlin Workshop on Sustainable Energy on 4-5 July
Ort: online
European Parliament election 2024 – trends and projections
On Wednesday 17 April 2024 from 7.00pm to 8.00pm CET, Prof Simon Hix and Einstein BUA/Oxford Visiting Fellow Prof Tarik Abou-Chadi will be discussing the European Parliament election 2024 on Zoom. Recent trends in elections and opinion polls throughout the EU indicate a significant rightward shift, with the populist right expected to emerge as a main winner in the 2024 European Parliament elections. This political realignment, amid internal and external challenges for the European Union, could have profound implications for EU policy, including environmental and foreign policies.
“… that is the Question” – Towards a History of the Question as an Epistemic Genre in the Early Modern Age
Internationale Konferenz des romanistischen Teilprojekts A07 „ Erotema . Die Frage als epistemische Gattung im Kontext der europäischen Sozietätsbewegung und der periodischen Presse des 17. und frühen 18. Jahrhunderts“.
Ort: Freie Universität Berlin Villa Engler Altensteinstr. 2 14195 Berlin-Dahlem
Skills workshop on community engagement for researchers
Workshop on engaged research (part of the seminar series "Evidence-based society?! How researchers can contribute to fostering democracy" Wondering what to think about community-based research and how to make its principles work in your field and research? Then this workshop is for you! When : Tuesday, 5 March 2024, 5-6.30pm GMT | 12-1.30pm EST | 8-9.30pm EAT | 6-7.30pm CET Sign-up : Due to the active participation necessary for this workshop, we have a separate sign-up for this session. Please let us know ASAP should you have signed up and are no longer able to join. Please sign up here . Who : Dr René Oosthuizen is a senior lecturer at the Community Engagement Division at Rhodes University, South Africa, and the Rhodes University academic lead for UNESCO Knowledge for Change (K4C), and most importantly an experienced engaged Research academic and brilliant workshop leader. ...together with Claire McCann, PhD student at the Department of Education, University of Oxford What : A collaborative workshop on the practical implementation of Engaged Research principles across disciplines and methods with the goal of familiarising participants with the principles of community-based participatory research, providing practical guidance on how participants may be able to incorporate engaged elements into their existing research, and providing tools for connecting with communities, and navigating barriers (power dynamics, institutional barriers) The workshop requires your active participation to the extent you are comfortable. It will include group work and we ask that, if you feel comfortable, you bring an object that means something to you (and whose story you feel comfortable sharing with others). This series is organised by a group of early career researchers from the Student Network for Open Science , the Rhodes Scholars for Science Communication, Policy, and Engagement with Society, and the Master of Public Policy at the University of Oxford.
Ort: online
‘Deutsche Völker’ and ‘us English Teutones’: National Literature and Identity - Vortrag von Dr: Mary Boyle
Im Rahmen der Vortragsreihe "Legacies and Afterlives of the Empire" am Großbritannienzentrum (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin) hält Dr. Mary Boyle einen Vortrag mit dem Titel "'Deutsche Völker' and 'us English Teutones': National Literature and Identity". Dr. Mary Boyle ist Leverhulme Early Career Fellow und Junior Research Fellow am Linacre College der University of Oxford. Poster zur Veranstaltung Anmeldung unter: events.gbz@hu-berlin.de Eventuelle Änderungen werden auf der Website veröffentlicht: www.gbz.hu-berlin.de
Ort: Centre for British Studies Mohrenstr. 60 10117 Berlin
"Einig Mutterland nicht in Sicht‘: Erinnerung und Erfahrung der ostdeutschen Frauenbewegung 1989-1990"
Dieser Vortrag beschäftigt sich mit der Frage, wie ehemalige ostdeutsche feministische Aktivist*innen sich nach etwa dreißig Jahren Wiedervereinigung an ihre Erfahrungen in nichtstaatlichen-Frauen*gruppen in der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik (DDR) und in der autonomen ostdeutschen Frauen*bewegung während der Wende erinnern.
Ort: Dorotheenstr. 24, Raum 1.204
Guided Tour: Collections & connections. Pigments across art collections
Ort: Alte Nationalgalerie, Foyer Bodestraße 1-3, 10178 Berlin-Mitte
Oxford-Berlin Konferenz: Rethinking Global Engagement
Die zweite Konferenz der Oxford Berlin Research Partnership findet am Mittwoch, den 29. November und Donnerstag, den 30. November 2023 im St. Antony's College in Oxford statt.
Ort: St. Antony's College, Oxford
“Europe in a Changing World” - Dahrendorf Panel
Ort: WZB, Reichpietschufer 50 10785 Berlin Room A 300
BBC Reith Lectures 2023 - Our Democratic Future by Ben Ansell: The Future of Security
The Reith Lectures were inaugurated in 1948 by the BBC to mark the historic contribution made to public service broadcasting by Sir John (later Lord) Reith, the corporation's first Director-General. This year's BBC Radio 4 Reith lecturer is Ben Ansell , Professor of Comparative Democratic Institutions at Nuffield College, University of Oxford. His four lectures, titled Our Democratic Future, will consider how to build political systems that work for all and are robust enough to face the wide-ranging challenges of the 21st century. Mark Hallerberg will deliver introductory remarks, while presenter, journalist and author Anita Anand will chair the lectures and question-and-answer sessions. The 2023 lecture will be recorded and broadcast on BBC Radio 4 later this year and will be available to listen to on BBC Sounds. More information can be found under this link .
Ort: Enderlein Forum | Hertie School Friedrichstraße 180, 10117 Berlin
Round Table Discussion bei Falling Walls zum Thema Demografischer Wandel und alternde Gesellschaft
Expert*innen aus Berlin und Oxford diskutieren in einem Round-Table-Gespräch zum Thema "Demographic Shifts: Challenges & Best Practices of Ageing Societies Worldwide". Die Berliner und Oxforder Panelist*innen aus Politik, Wissenschaft und Industrie tauschen sich darüber aus, wie wir länger, gesünder und glücklicher leben können. Die steigende Lebenserwartung und die sinkenden Geburtenraten stellen Gesellschaften weltweit vor große Herausforderungen: Druck auf die Gesundheitssysteme und Ressourcen, Vereinsamung, Folgen für die Wirtschaft und den Arbeitsmarkt. Die Bewältigung dieser Herausforderungen erfordert ein umfassendes Konzept, das die Politik, die Gesundheits- und Sozialsysteme, gesellschaftliche Akteure, generationsübergreifende Zusammenarbeit und technologische Innovationen einschließt. Seien Sie dabei, wenn wir bewährte Verfahren, potenzielle Lösungen und Ansätze zur Bewältigung der Folgen auf transdisziplinäre Weise beleuchten. Chair: Irene Tracey (Vice-Chancellor, University of Oxford); panellists: Dr. Henry Marx Secretary of State for Science and Research, Berlin Senate Department for Science, Health and Care, Professor Melinda Mills – Director, Leverhulme Centre for Demographic Science, University of Oxford, Professor Elke Schäffner - Deputy Director Institute of Public Health, Charité Universitaetsmedizin Berlin, and Dr. Diana Rothe, Creative healthcare industry – PI4 GmbH Ein Live-Stream des Events wird hier verfügbar sein: https://falling-walls.com/science-summit/livestream-round-tables/
Ort: Radialsystem, Studio A Holzmarktstraße 33, 10243 Berlin
Panel Discussion at Science Week: Erosion of Democracy? Academic Freedom and Right-Wing Politics in Europe
Europe has long called itself a stronghold of democracy. However, the significant increase of populism, authoritarianism, and right-wing politics on a global level has not stopped on its borders: Across Europe, right-wing movements and parties influence political discourse at both national and international levels, endangering democratic principles, such as fair elections, separation of powers, or freedom of speech. This has led to changes not only in the political landscapes of many countries, but also in the field of academia. Attacks on academic freedom have increased, restrictions and limitations on what to research are being established. In, for instance, Hungary, the so-called Orbanization of University is underway. What effect had the rise of right-wing politics on the state of academic freedom and democracy in Europe? What are the factors that have contributed to the increase of right-wing movements and far-right ideologies taking hold? What are potential strategies that could help curb the spread of right-wing populist ideologies to strengthen democratic principles? Tarik Abou-Chadi (University of Oxford / Einstein BUA Oxford Visiting Fellow) and Kriszta Kovács (Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin / Cluster of Excellence SCRIPTS ) will contribute their expertise and discuss recent political developments together with Matthias Koch (ZEIT-Foundation). The event ist organized in cooperation with the Berlin Center for Global Engagement as part of the Cross-Cutting Theme Internationalization of the Berlin University Alliance and will take place in person at Campus Naturkundemuseum in Berlin. Live-Streaming is available. Please find more information on the website of Berlin Science Week: https://berlinscienceweek.com/de/event/erosion-of-democracy-academic-freedom-and-right-wing-politics-in-europe/
Citizens of the World. Academic Freedom in a Global Perspective – 60 Years after President John F. Kennedy’s Speech at Freie Universität Berlin
2023 not only marks the 75th anniversary of Freie Universität Berlin's founding, it is also the 60th anniversary of President John F. Kennedy's iconic speech on the FU campus. Keeping in mind his statement that this university “must be interested in turning out citizens of the world” and his idea of universities as incubators of freedom, this event will look at issues of academic freedom from a historical perspective as well as within today's contexts – and think about how to shape academic freedom in the future.
Ort: Henry-Ford-Building, Garystr. 35, 14195 Berlin
Academic Director Çiğdem İşsever at Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften
Prof. Dr. Çiğdem İşsever, Academic Director der Oxford Berlin Research Partnership und Physikerin an der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, hält einen Vortrag bei der Langen Nacht der Wissenschaften mit dem Titel „Die Higgs-Entdeckung - Eine Erfolgsgeschichte des Large Hadron Colliders“.
Ort: Institut für Physik HU Berlin Newtonstrasse 15 Gerthsen-Hörsaal Raum 1’201
Happy in Berlin? British Writers in the City, the 1920s and Beyond - Ausstellung und Führung (EN)
British writers were fascinated by Berlin and came to live here for many different reasons - politics, pleasure and psychoanalysis. The exhibition explores the different experience of gay and lesbian writers, diplomats and budding psychoanalysts. Guided tours by the curators focusing on women writers, the gay experience, and psychoanalysis will take visitors to 1920s' Berlin as seen through English eyes. This exhibition emerged from the collaboration between Prof Stefano Evangelista, Trinity College, Oxford University, who will start his Oxford/BUA Einstein Visiting Fellowship later this year, and Prof Gesa Stedman, Centre for British Studies, HU Berlin. Please find more information on the exhibition website and on the website of Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften .
Ort: Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin Universitäts-Hauptgebäude Unter den Linden 6 10117 Berlin Lichthof
Fireside Chat: British-German Cultural/Academic Relations and the Oxford-Berlin Partnership
Ort: Maecenata Stiftung Rungestr. 17 10179 Berlin
Oxford-Berlin Lecture des Großbritannien-Zentrums der HU Berlin
Das Großbritannien-Zentrum der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin präsentiert einen Vortrag von Professor Dr. Rana Mitter OBE FBA, Professor für Geschichte und Politik des modernen China (St. Cross College, Fakultät für Geschichte, Universität Oxford).
Ort: Raum 105, 1. Stock Großbritannien-Zentrum Mohrenstr.60, 10117 Berlin
Interner Termin: Strategieworkshop in Oxford
Die Academic Directors, die Vice Academic Directors und das administrative Team der Oxford Berlin Research Partnership kommen in Oxford für einen Strategieworkshop zusammen, um den Fahrplan für die nächsten Jahre zu gestalten.
Falling Walls Circle – Round Table “Science and Politics: Between Independence, Interdependence and Partnership”
Die großen gesellschaftlichen Herausforderungen unserer Zeit können nicht mehr in Elfenbeintürmen und Hinterzimmern gelöst werden. Vielfältiges Fachwissen und multidirektionaler Austausch werden immer wichtiger. Doch wie kann eine solche Zusammenarbeit funktionieren, ohne die Autonomie der einzelnen Bereiche zu gefährden? Bei dieser Round Table Discussion mit dem Schwerpunkt Wissenschaft und Politik soll untersucht werden, wie wissenschaftliche Erkenntnisse umfassend und neutral zugänglich gemacht werden können und wie politische Entscheidungsträger Erfahrungen in die laufende Forschung einbringen können.
Interner Termin: Jour Fixe Liaison Panel
Internes Meeting der Vice Academic Directors und Academic Director der BUA.