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Personalführung in der Wissenschaft

Personalführung in der Wissenschaft

Personalführung in der Wissenschaft
Bildquelle: iStock.com/deimagine

Führungskraft zu sein bedeutet, gemeinsam mit Menschen Ziele zu setzen und den Weg zu diesen Zielen zu gehen. Das ist oft leichter gesagt als getan, vor allem in einem so vielschichtigen Arbeitsumfeld wie dem Wissenschaftsbetrieb. Im Rahmen ihrer Fachkarrieren werden Wissenschaftler*innen oft wenig auf spätere Führungsaufgaben vorbereitet. Spätestens mit ihrer ersten Berufung stehen Professor*innen dann vor der Herausforderung, die neue Führungsrolle positiv anzunehmen und konstruktiv auszufüllen.

Modulares Programm „Personalführung in der Wissenschaft“

An dieser Stelle setzt das modulare Führungskräfteentwicklungsprogramm „Personalführung in der Wissenschaft“ an: Es unterstützt die Professor*innen der Verbundpartnerinnen der Berlin University Alliance (BUA) darin, ihre Führungsrolle bestmöglich auszufüllen. Wir bieten ein speziell auf die Bedarfe und Interessen von Professor*innen zugeschnittenes Weiterbildungsangebot, in welchem Sie Ihre Führungskompetenzen stärken und weiterentwickeln können. Es ist so konzipiert, dass sowohl neue Führungskräfte als auch solche mit langjähriger Führungserfahrung davon profitieren können.

Die Veranstaltungen von „Personalführung in der Wissenschaft“ können nach Interessenschwerpunkt und Bedarf individuell belegt werden. Um dem knappen Zeitbudget unserer Zielgruppe gerecht zu werden, sind unsere Workshops in der Regel als Halb- oder Ganztagesveranstaltungen konzipiert. Kleine Teilnehmendengruppen erlauben eine effektive und intensive Auseinandersetzung mit der jeweiligen Thematik. Schließlich sorgen wir durch eine evidenzbasierte, wissenschaftliche Ausrichtung und die stetige Evaluation unserer Veranstaltungen dafür, höchste Qualitätsstandards für die Weiterbildung unserer wissenschaftlichen Führungskräfte zu setzen.

Ihre Ansprechpartnerin für Veranstaltung in diesem Programm ist Monika Thiel.

Alle unsere Veranstaltungen im Wintersemester 2024/2025 sind untenstehend aufgeführt.

Weitere Informationen zu unserem Zertifikat, organisatorische Hinweise sowie eine Übersicht unserer Trainer*innen finden Sie auf den folgenden Seiten:

Veranstaltungen im Wintersemester 2024/2025

Wir freuen uns, Ihnen hier das Veranstaltungsprogramm für das Wintersemester 2024/2025 vorzustellen.

Die Workshops richten sich an die Professor*innen der Verbundpartnerinnen der Berlin University Alliance. Auch Nachwuchsgruppenleiter*innen können an unseren Veranstaltungen teilnehmen.

Leadership in Science: Introduction

personalführung in der wissenschaft


As a professor, there are many different tasks and roles to take on in the day by day business of a university. The spectrum of requirements - from acquiring third-party funding to excellent teaching - is comprehensive. In order to manage these various tasks and to maintain a degree of professional freedom, it is essential to lead and manage one’s team appropriate. The workshop will show you how to implement efficient structures and proven leadership tools to fulfil your role as a leader successfully and sustainably. Moreover, you will have the opportunity to work on specific questions regarding the challenges of leadership in scientific environments. In sum, the workshop aims at professors who wish to reflect on their leadership experience and acquire new skills and knowledge in this area.


  • Status quo: Where do I stand as a leader right now?
  • Fundamental principles of effective management in a scientific environment
  • Overview of leadership theories and practical leadership tools
  • Expectation management: responsibilities, expectations, and interests within and outside one’s work group
  • Leading through goalsetting - providing orientation and structure
  • Transformational leadership – how to appreciate success and to provoke enthusiasm


In addition to its theoretical input, this workshop relies on participation and interaction to tailor the contents to your needs. Various opportunities for self-awareness and peer exchange allow further discussions of individual questions. All case studies and exercises are taken from scientific and university settings.

Organizational details

Date: Monday, 10.02.2025, 9 am to 5 pm
Venue: The event will take place on site at the Freie Universität Berlin. You will receive more information shortly before the event date.
Duration: 8 hours (9 am to 5 pm)
Your trainer: Prof. Dr. Uta Bronner
Participation requirements:

This event is open for professors as well junior research group leaders (Nachwuchsgruppenleiter*innen) of the Berlin University Alliance partners.

As part of a pilot project between the Berlin Leadership Academy and Berlin Research 50 (BR50), professors as well as junior research group leaders (Nachwuchsgruppenleiter*innen) from BR50 member institutions can also register for this event.

Notes: Please note that this workshop forms a unit with a second event, the "Follow-up" (see below). To get the most out of the course, we recommend that you attend both events in the same semester. However, if you are unable to attend the follow-up course this semester, you can also attend it at a later date.
Participation fee: Participation is free of charge.
Maximum number of participants: 12
Registration: Please use this contact form for your registration.

Leadership in Science: Follow-up

Personalführung in der Wissenschaft Vertiefung


This workshop is aimed exclusively at participants of the course "Leadership in Science: Introduction" or "Personalführung in der Wissenschaft: Einführung". During the half-day event the concepts covered in the introductory workshops will be discussed in depth. Further leadership tools for professional communication will be presented.


  • Elaboration of various topics already tackled in the introductory workshops
  • Having "directional" conversations and addressing critical issues
  • Selecting employees: The foundation of effective leadership
  • On demand: Collegial consultation


In addition to theoretical units, the event will use interactive methods to make its content applicable to everyday work at universities. All case studies and exercises are related to situations in an academic and scientific working environment. Reflection units and collegial exchange allow for an elaboration of the content in addition to the presentation of theory (including overviews and checklists for participants).

Organizational details:

Date: Tuesday, 11.02.2025, 9 am to 2 pm
Venue: The event will take place on site at the Freie Universität Berlin. You will receive all details on the workshop shortly before the event date.
Duration: 5 hours (9 am to 2 pm)
Your trainer: Prof. Dr. Uta Bronner
Participation requirements:

The event is exclusively intended for participants who have already attended the course "Leadership in Science: Introduction" or "Personalführung in der Wissenschaft: Einführung" during the current or previous semester.

As part of a pilot project between the Berlin Leadership Academy and Berlin Research 50 (BR50), professors as well as junior research group leaders (Nachwuchsgruppenleiter*innen) from BR50 member institutions can also register for this event.

Participation fee: Participation is free of charge.
Maximum number of participants: 12
Registration: The workshop is fully booked. Please use this contact form for your registration on the waiting list.

Leading with Impact: Women Professors in Academia

professorinnen in führung


This workshop is aimed at female professors, who are interested in how they can deal constructively with gender-specific challenges as women and leaders in an academic context. The aim of this workshop is to raise awareness of general and specific female leadership issues in a university context as well as to develop strategies for dealing with those issues effectively. Participants will receive relevant input as well as the time and space for reflection and discussion with other female professors. They can further develop their own leadership approach and acquire different options for actions when dealing with gender-specific challenges.


  • Get to know and apply the most important psychological leadership approaches
  • Discuss the challenges of a female professor in a leadership role (in research, teaching and academic self-administration) and develop solutions
  • Use collegial case consultation as a method and have it ready to apply it in the future


The workshop blends insights and guidance from the instructor with interactive discussions and brief practical exercises.

Organizational details:

Date: Friday, 21.02.2025, 9 am to 5 pm
Venue: The event will take place on-site at the Freie Universität Berlin. You will receive more information shortly before the event date.
Duration: 8 hours (9 am to 5 pm)
Your trainer: Prof. Dr. Christine Gockel
Participation requirements: This event is open for professors as well as junior research group leaders (Nachwuchsgruppenleiterinnen) of the Berlin University Alliance partners.
Participation fee: Participation is free of charge.
Maximum number of participants: 12
Registration: Please use this contact form for your registration.

Empowering leadership: Creating a space of action for people in your team(s)

Empowering Leadership


This workshop will support you in developing empowering leadership – the ability to enable the engagement and initiative of the people working in your team(s). Empowering leadership is a relational practice. It involves people in leadership roles creating space for team members to act, so that they can generate better solutions to complex problems and take ownership of tasks. It encourages autonomy and individual competence, and also creates a sense of belonging so that people feel supported. An empowering leadership approach aims to increase team members’ job satisfaction, identification, professional growth and contribution to collective efforts. The workshop will examine select leadership thinking and invite you to explore practical actions for using empowering leadership in your everyday work at the university.


  • Scholarly perspectives on "empowering leadership" as a leadership approach
  • Use and application in a university context, such as research teams
  • Reflection on own learning edge – how can I meaningfully integrate empowering leadership in my given work context?


The workshop combines discussions and illustrations, led by the trainer, with small group and self-reflective activities.

Organizational details:

Date: Wednesday, 26.02.2025, from 09:00 - 14:00
Venue: Freie Universität Berlin, 2.2051 Besprechungsraum (2. Ebene, Holzlaube/Neubau kl. Fächer, Fabeckstraße 23-25, 14195 Berlin).
Duration: 5 hours (09:00 - 14:00)
Your trainer:  Prof. Dr. Svenja Tams
Participation requirements: This event is open for professors as well as junior research group leaders (Nachwuchsgruppenleiter*innen) of the Berlin University Alliance partners.
Participation fee: Participation is free of charge.
Maximum number of participants: 12
Registration: Please use this contact form for your registration.

Souverän mit der Öffentlichkeit kommunizieren - Medientraining für Professor*innen

Workshop „Souverän mit der Öffentlichkeit kommunizieren“


Forschungskommunikation spielt eine immer größere Rolle im Arbeitsalltag von Professor*innen und Nachwuchsgruppenleiter*innen. Dazu gehört in vielen Bereichen die Zusammenarbeit mit Medienvertreter*innen. Ziel dieser Veranstaltung ist es, Sie auf verschiedene Szenarien (Rechercheanfragen, Interviews, Pressegespräche, Auftritte als Studiogast usw.) vorzubereiten. Sie lernen, die eigene Forschung in Ihrer Expert*innenfunktion zielgruppengerecht zu vermitteln und proben den öffentlichen Auftritt. Der Workshop führt in Grundzüge einer erfolgreichen Forschungskommunikation mit Fokus auf die mediale Öffentlichkeit ein.


  • Wissenschaft trifft Journalismus: Perspektivwechsel, Erwartungshaltungen
  • Gelungene Forschungskommunikation: Botschaften und Statements formulieren
  • Vorbereitung von Presseterminen
  • Umgang mit kritischen Fragen und Themen


Die Veranstaltung verbindet Inputs und Impulse durch die Trainerin mit Diskussionen und Übungen.



Donnerstag, 06.03.2025, von 13:00 - 17:00 Uhr

Der Workshop besteht aus einem Präsenz-Workshop (1x4h) und einem individuellen Coaching (virtuell, 60 Minuten). Die Termine für das Coaching stimmt die Trainerin mit Ihnen individuell ab.

Veranstaltungsort: Freie Universität Berlin, 2.2051 Besprechungsraum (2. Ebene, Holzlaube/Neubau kl. Fächer, Fabeckstraße 23-25, 14195 Berlin).
Veranstaltungsdauer: 4 Stunden (13:00 - 17:00 Uhr + 60 Minuten individuelles Training)
Ihre Trainerin: Dr. Gabriele Schönherr
Teilnahmevoraussetzung: Diese Veranstaltung richtet sich an die Professor*innen der Verbundpartnerinnen der Berlin University Alliance. Auch Nachwuchsgruppenleiter*innen der Verbundpartnerinnen können teilnehmen.
Teilnahmebeitrag: Die Teilnahme ist kostenfrei.
Maximale Teilnahmezahl: 12
Anmeldung: Bitte nutzen Sie für Ihre Anmeldung dieses Kontaktformular.

Superb Supervision

Superb Supervision


During this highly interactive training you will work on how you can be the best supervisor possible. Through lots of different exercises and science based theory you will know how you can apply the crucial skills to become a responsible and effective supervisor.


At the end of this course you will:

  • know how to foster your PhD candidates into autonomous and self-assured researchers;
  • know how to offer your PhD candidates a safe working climate where there is space for their own
    critical thinking and personal growth;
  • know how to apply essential practical skills that will make you a supervisor with a focus on responsible
  • have developed your own style of supervising PhD candidates.


The workshop blends insights and guidance from the instructor with interactive discussions and brief practical exercises.

Quick overview training programme

Module 1: Relationship with your PhD-candidate

01.04.2025: Day 1 09.00 - 17.00 02.04.2025: Day 2 09.00 - 13.00
Dealing with expectations  Practicing conversations
Safety & trust Sharing learning points
Giving feedback Homework and wrap-up
Friendly consulting  

Module 2: Responsible research, you as a supervisor

18.06.2025: Day 1 09.00 - 17.00 19.06.2025: Day 2 09.00 - 13.00
Dilemma game  Dealing with conflict
Responsible research climate Being a role model
Authorship queries Actions and wrap-up
Your own pitfalls  
Dealing with stress  
Fear of failure & bias  

Organizational details:

Date: Tuesday, 01.04.2025, from 9 am to 5 pm; Wednesday, 02.04.2025, from 9 am to 1 pm; Wednesday, 18.06.2025, from 9 am to 5 pm; and Thursday, 19.06.2025, from 9 am to 1 pm.
Venue: The event will take place on-site at the Freie Universität Berlin. You will receive all details on the workshop shortly before the event date.
Duration: 2 x 1.5 days (1 day = 8 hours, 0.5 days = 4 hours)
Your trainer: Dr. Louise Mennen & Dr. Tamarinde Haven
Participation requirements:

This event is open for professors, junior research group leaders (Nachwuchsgruppenleiter*innen) as well as experienced PostDocs involved in Ph.D. supervision of the Berlin University Alliance partners.

As part of a pilot project between the Berlin Leadership Academy and Berlin Research 50 (BR50), professors as well as junior research group leaders (Nachwuchsgruppenleiter*innen) from BR50 member institutions can also register for this event.

Participation fee: Participation is free of charge.
Maximum number of participants: 12
Registration: Please use this contact form for your registration.