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Questions about the X-Tutorials scholarship


Who is the scholarship aimed at?

The X-Tutorials scholarship aims to support students with strong research skills by giving them the freedom to try their hand at managing and carrying out a research project alongside their studies. Scholarship holders must be enrolled at a university in the Berlin University Alliance for the duration of the grant.

How are scholarships for X-Tutorials awarded?

The basis for awarding scholarships to the student project leaders of X-Tutorials is the guideline for awarding scholarships to students within the Student Research Opportunities Program (StuROPx). This guideline defines the purpose of the scholarship, the eligibility, the duration, type and amount of the scholarship as well as the procedures for selecting and awarding scholarships.

In the case of StuROPx, the administering institution is Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. This means that, regardless of the affiliated institution at which the X-Tutorial is carried out, the scholarships are awarded by Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (on the basis of the funding decision the Berlin University Alliance's Steering Committee "Teaching and Learning").

The funding decision will be announced by Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin by means of a scholarship notification.

What is the duration of the scholarship?

The scholarship is granted for the duration of the X-Tutorial of two semesters, i.e. a total of 12 months.

How is the scholarship remunerated?

The scholarship is paid monthly in installments of EUR 550.

Will the scholarship continue to be paid if it becomes necessary to take a break from the X-Tutorial?

The scholarship cannot usually be extended. However, in the event of a change in personal circumstances (e.g. pregnancy, child, prolonged illness, caring for relatives), an application for additional payments can be made.

As a scholarship holder, can I also work or receive BAföG?

Receiving a scholarship is tax-free and can be combined with a part-time job. As a recipient of BAföG, you should note that the award of scholarships may be taken into account as income when granting benefits under BAföG. The Studierendenwerk Berlin can provide you with further information on this.

How are scholarship holders insured?

There is no insurance cover during or because of the scholarship. As a student at a Berlin college or university, scholarship holders may be covered by accident insurance through the Unfallkasse Berlin. Further information for the FU see here, for the HU see here and for the TU here. Students at the Charité follow the information provided by the HU or FU according to their enrollment; the Unfallkasse Berlin decides whether an insurance case exists. There may be constellations in which this insurance cover may not apply. Scholarship holders are therefore advised to check whether they have appropriate insurance cover (private liability insurance).