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Questions about participating students


X-Tutorials are collaborative student research projects. The student project leaders of the X-Tutorials have the opportunity to offer their X-Tutorial as a teching contribution in the form of a research tutorial in the course catalogs of the four partner institutions of the Berlin University Alliance. The students participating in the X-Tutorial will then receive credit points.


What is the maximum number of students who can take part in an X-Tutorial?

A maximum of 15 students can take part in an X-Tutorial. If more than 15 students wish to take part in your X-Tutorial, a decision will be made by drawing lots. In order to avoid role conflicts, this random procedure is carried out by the BUA Office for Teaching and Learning.

What is the minimum number of students required to take part in an X-Tutorial?

In order for an X-Tutorial to take place, at least 3 students should participate.

Which students can take part in an X-Tutorial?

Students from all partner institutions of the BUA (Freie Universität Berlin, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Technische Universität Berlin, Charité-Universitätsmedizin Berlin) can take part in an X-Tutorial. Participation is possible from all subjects and for both BA and MA students.

As the student project leader of an X-Tutorial, you cannot define any admission requirements. Nevertheless, it is possible to make it clear in the description of your X-Tutorial (e.g. in the course catalog) for which student groups your X-Tutorial is more or less suitable. We recommend that you think about this when submitting your application and reflect on possible student groups in your project outline (e.g. stage of study, subject background, previous knowledge).

Can students from other universities also take part, i.e. from universities that are not part of the Berlin University Alliance?

The X-Tutorials are primarily intended for students from the four partner institutions (Freie Universität Berlin, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Technische Universität Berlin, Charité-Universitätsmedizin Berlin). If places are still available, students from other universities are also welcome to take part in the X-Tutorials, which are offered at Freie Universität, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin and Technische Universität. However, these students must register as BUA students at the BUA Office for Teaching and Learning. It is not possible for external students to participate at Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin.

How do students find out about the X-Tutorials?

The X-Tutorials are announced by the StuROPx Coordination Office and the BUA Office for Teaching and Learning across the four partner institutions of the Berlin University Alliance (Freie Universität Berlin, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Technische Universität Berlin, Charité-Universitätsmedizin Berlin) (general student mailing lists, newsletters) and are also included in the course catalogs of the institutions. However, we strongly recommend that you advertise your X-Tutorial yourself. This is because you know best for which student groups of the four partner institutions your project may be of particular interest. Good possibilities here are, for example, the email distribution lists of the student councils, of individual degree programs or of institutes.

How can students take part in an X-Tutorial?

If students are interested in an X-Tutorial, they can register for it. Please refer to the further information on this registration process.

What coursework do students have to complete and where can this coursework be credited?

X-Tutorials are collaborative student research projects. The student project leaders of the X-Tutorials have the option of offering their X-Tutorial in the form of a research tutorial. Participation can then be credited via the module "Student research project - X-Tutorial". Participating students receive 6 credit points for their participation. These can be credited in the interdisciplinary compulsory elective area (üWP) / in the free elective area / in the compulsory elective area / in the study area General Vocational Preparation (ABV). This module also specifies what students must achieve to successfully complete the module. We will be happy to provide you with more detailed information once your X-Tutorial has been approved.

There is also the possibility of crediting for other structural areas in Bachelor's and Master's degree programs. Students should clarify this possibility themselves with their examination office.

Do students have to take an examination?

No, students do not have to take an examination. The module is deemed to have been successfully completed when all the tasks specified in the module description has been completed. Successful completion of the module is confirmed by the subject-specific supervisor of the X-Tutorial.

Can students write their thesis as part of the X-Tutorial?

Yes, they can. However, students must then clarify everything else themselves - if necessary with the support of the X-Tutorial supervisor - with their respective examination office.