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Questions about the selection process within the Call for Proposals


Who reviews the proposals?

The proposals will be reviewed by a specially established StuROPx-reviewer panel. The reviewer panel consists of 40 reviewers. They are distributed equally across the four partners and take into account the different status groups (16 professors, 12 research assistants and 12 students). When appointing the reviewers, care was also taken to ensure a balanced gender ratio and subject diversity.

How are the proposals assessed?

The reviewer panel assesses the proposals on the basis of a set list of criteria. Points are awarded for each criterion.

Are the criteria for evaluating the proposals published?

No, the review criteria are not published. However, they are implicitly included in the notes on the project outline. We therefore strongly recommend that you read these notes and take them into account in your proposal.

How are proposals selected?

An overall score is calculated for each proposal. The points awarded per proposal are added up across the reviewers. The proposals with the highest scores are recommended for funding.

Who makes the funding decision?

The reviewer panel makes a funding recommendation based on the points awarded, which is forwarded to the Steering Committee "Teaching and Learning". This steering committee makes the final funding decision.

When will I be informed of the funding decision?

Applicants are - as a rule - informed about the (non-)funding of their proposals approximately ten to twelve weeks after the submission deadline.

How many proposals are funded per Call for Proposals?

8 X-Tutorials are selected and funded per Call for Proposals. Due to the funds available, more X-Tutorials cannot be approved or can only be approved in exceptional cases, i.e. if remaining funds can still be allocated in the respective funding year.