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Questions about the application procedure as part of the Call for Proposals


Is it possible to apply for an X-Tutorial for one semester only?

No, that is not possible. In order to bring the student research projects to a good conclusion, it is necessary to have sufficient time to do so.

What if a student project leader is only available for one semester?

If you would like to offer your X-Tutorial in tandem and one of you is not available for two semesters, please indicate this in your project outline. Please state here whether and how the research project can be completed with all participating students under the supervision of one student project leader.

How do I plan the X-Tutorial over the two semesters? Should I do the same research project twice in a row or do the semesters build on each other?

Your project outline should include a timeline for completing a research project over 12 months. When planning your project, you should be aware that not all students involved in your collaborative research project will be involved for the duration of two semesters, but perhaps only in the first or second semester. You should therefore consider how the two semesters can build on each other or whether you should pursue your research question again in a slightly modified form in the second semester. That is your decision. It is important that you reflect and explain in your project outline which solution makes sense for your project. The timetable must be convincing for the reviewers who assess your proposal.

Can an X-Tutorial be extended?

An X-Tutorial runs for one year, i.e. two semesters. If you are considering an extension, you can reapply for funding as part of the Call for Proposals.

Can I apply for an X-Tutorial on my own, i.e. as an individual?

Yes, this is possible. However, due to the demanding nature of the task, we recommend that you carry out the X-Tutorial in pairs.

Is it possible to apply for an X-Tutorial as a team (with more than two people)?

The funding provided by the Berlin University Alliance includes the funds for two StuROPx scholarships (550 euros/month each). This means that only two people can receive a scholarship. However, it is possible to name additional co-applicants as part of your project outline. If these co-applicants are involved in the implementation of the project, they are also welcome to participate in the qualification program.

Can I also apply for an X-Tutorial if I study at a university that is not part of the Berlin Excellence Network?

No, only students who are enrolled at one of the four Berlin University Alliance institutions for the duration of their funding can be funded with a StuROPx scholarship. Furthermore, only students who have completed the third semester of an undergraduate degree program at the beginning of the funding period are eligible for funding.

Can students from different universities apply as a tandem?

Yes, this is possible. Inter-university projects, especially between the partners of the Berlin University Alliance, are always welcome.

Can students from different disciplines apply as a tandem?

Yes, this is possible. Interdisciplinary projects are always welcome.

Are collaborations with other universities or institutions a necessary prerequisite for submitting an application?

No, cooperation is not a prerequisite. However, collaborative projects, especially transdisciplinary projects, are always welcome.

Do I have to submit an ethics application for my project?

Whether you have to submit an ethics application depends on your project. Please ask the supervisor of your X-Tutorial.

Can I submit multiple proposals?

No, this is not possible.

Are there other calls for proposals?

X-Tutorials are advertised twice a year. Each semester there is therefore a call for proposals for the following semester.