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Questions about the format of the X-Tutorials


X-Tutorials are collaborative student research projects. The project leaders of the X-Tutorials have the opportunity to offer their X-Tutorial as a teaching contribution in the form of a research tutorial in the course catalogs of the four partner institutions of the Berlin University Alliance. The students participating in the X-Tutorial will then receive credit points.


What does the X stand for?

The X stands for excellence.

What is meant by a "collaborative" research project?

In the X-Tutorials, students should experience an authentic research setting, as is usual for academic research projects. The question of the X-Tutorial should be designed in such a way that its answer - in contrast to a student seminar paper or thesis, for example - benefits from the cooperation of several students and the inclusion of different ( disciplinary) perspectives. Applicants can put together their own student team for their research project. However, they also have the option of offering their research project in the form of a research tutorial in order to gain fellow students. In the case of the research tutorial, the participating students receive credit points for their contribution to the project.

What is the difference to the X-Student Research Groups?

X-Student Research Groups are led by junior researchers. X-Tutorials are led by students.

As the student project leader of an X-Tutorial, can I also receive credit points?

No, this is not possible. The participating students receive credit points. The student project leaders organize the joint research process and receive a StuROPx scholarship for this.

Can I write my Bachelor's or Master's thesis as part of the X-Tutorial?

Yes, this is possible. However, you must clarify everything else yourself (or with the support of your X-Tutorial supervisor) with your respective examination office.

Are X-Tutorials relevant to capacity?

The StuROPx projects are low-capacity in the sense that they are primarily only considered in the extracurricular area, if applicable. However, if there are clear references to modules in subject-specific study and examination regulations, a capacity-related effect cannot be ruled out in individual cases.