Interessen in politisches Handeln umsetzen. Kooperationen mit Schüler*innen aus Berliner Schulen in schwieriger Lage
Tutors: Eva Dietrich und Leonhard Rapp, Freie Universität Berlin
Supervising field: Prof. Dr. Sabine Achour, Otto-Suhr-Institut für Politikwissenschaft, Freie Universität Berlin
How can we support students from socially deprived schools in becoming politically active? In our tutorial, we contacted interested students and translated their interests into politically effective actions (e.g. petitions, expert discussions, action days) (intervention). Both before and after the intervention, we used an interview to record the extent to which students experience themselves as politically effective. How do they assess their political agency? Is there a significant change as a result of the intervention? The results of the study are recorded by the participants in a seminar product, for example as a podcast, video, screencast.
Leonard Rapp:
Eva Dietrich: