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Step 2: Check if enrollment as a BUA student is necessary


If you have received a place in the course, please check first:

Is the X-Student Research Group offered at my own university, i.e. at the university where I am enrolled?


If yes, i.e., the Group is offered at your own university:

No further steps are required for registration.


If no, i.e. the group is offered at another university:

In this case, you must register as a BUA student at the university offering the group.

For StuROPx projects offered at Freie Universität Berlin, please send the completed and signed application for participation in BUA modules (module title: "X-Student Research Groups: Project Title") as well as the current certificate of enrollment from your main university to bua@studium.fu-berlin.de by the end of the second week of lectures.

For StuROPx projects offered at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, please send the completed and signed application for participation in BUA modules (module title: "X-Student Research Groups: Project Title") as well as the current enrollment certificate of your main university to studium.bua-buero@hu-berlin.de by the end of the second week of lectures.

For StuROPx projects offered at Technische Universität Berlin, please send the following documents to bua@pruefungen.tu-berlin.de by the end of the second week of lectures: the completed and signed application for participation in BUA modules (module title: "X-Student Research Group: Project Title") and the current enrollment certificate (certificate of study with Indication of the number of university semesters) from your main university.

For StuROPx projects offered at Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin, please send the following documents to bua-buero@charite.de by Wednesday of the second week: the completed and signed application for participation in BUA modules (module title: "X-Student Research Group: Project Title"), the completed and signed declaration of confidentiality, the completed proof of vaccinations, and the current enrollment certificate from your main university.

After processing by the BUA office, you will receive access to the in-house systems such as the respective learning platform of the affiliated institution. The BUA student status is valid for one semester. For further information, please contact the staff of the BUA office.