Disclosure: The Language of Confession in New Media
Leader: Sonja Pyykkö, John F. Kennedy Institut für Nordamerikastudien, Freie Universität Berlin; institutional connection: John F. Kennedy Institut für Nordamerikastudien, Freie Universität Berlin
Funding period: April 2021 – March 2022
This is a follow-up project for a research group that began its work in the summer semester. During that period, student researchers learned about confession by discussing philosophical and critical essays in seminar format, and developed a critical vocabulary in which to examine the language of confession across a range of media. Students then began their own research projects, the topics of which ranged from true crime to performance art. They conducted digital field research across most major new media platforms—Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, and Netflix—as well as in non-corporate spaces, such as independent game studios and the art world. After choosing a topic, students developed research questions and identified suitable methods from linguistics, narratology, critical and political theory, performance and queer studies, and media and game studies. In the winter semester, students continue working on their research papers and have formed an editorial committee in charge of publishing the results. Students wishing to apply in the winter semester should be aware that opportunities to participate are largely limited to assisting tasks, such as layout and proofreading, and should demonstrate competence in these areas. Please apply with a brief description of your skills and of how you would like to contribute. Applications should be emailed to pyykko@gsnas.fu-berlin.de by 20.09.21.
Start: 21.10.2021
Date: Thursdays, 2:00-4:00 p.m.
Email: pyykko@gsnas.fu-berlin.de
Call for Proposals
New Perspectives on the “Confessing Animal” (Berlin, 22-23 July 2022)
Disclosure is organizing a symposium next summer with the title “Disclosure: New Perspectives on the Confessing Animal.”
We’re now looking for participants who would be interested in presenting their work either in workshop or panel discussion format. Early-career researchers and researchers working in interdisciplinary and comparative contexts are especially welcome to apply. The deadline for abstracts is March 15, 2022.