Nature as Remedy? Exploring how Berliners care for a healthier city
Leader: Dr. Laura Kemmer; Institutional affiliation: Institut für Geographie, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Funding Period: 01.04.2022 – 30.09.2022
This is a follow-up project for a research group that began its work in the winter term 2021/22. In the first part of our project, we have explored the notion of ‘health’ through the lens of human-environment relations in Berlin. Our project has been developed in close dialogue with the BUA Exploration Project “Re-Scaling Global Health. Human Health and Multispecies Cohabitation on an Urban Planet“. Student researchers in our group draw from critical theories of care & film-making as a method, to explore how Berliners deal with species/instances of ’urban natures’ that are being framed as both remedy and threat in current urban politics and everyday practices. In the summer term 2022, students will continue working on their film projects. With assistance of a professional film editor (Christian Söder), we will develop a series of short films & organize a film screening/public presentation of our results. Students wishing to apply for the summer term should be aware that opportunities to participate are largely limited to assisting tasks, such as film editing and screening. Please apply with a brief description of your skills and of how you would like to contribute. Applications should be emailed to by 19.03.2022.
Course language: English
Schedule: Friday 9 a.m.-5 p.m.