Musikalischer Wissensaustausch und Wissenskoproduktion zwischen Deutschland und der Türkei durch Scholarships nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg
Leiter: Utku Öğüt und Sean Prieske, Institut für Musikwissenschaft und Medienwissenschaft, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin; Institutionelle Anbindung der X-Student Research Group: Institut für Musikwissenschaft und Medienwissenschaft, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
The research project focuses on the music cultural exchange between Turkey and the FRG since the Second World War until today as well as the common knowledge coproduction that has emerged through this long-term interaction. Although music-cultural exchange between the FRG and Turkey has a long history, it has been researched to a limited extent. Here, the project aims to make significant sources accessible. Together, the following questions will be answered: Which institutions promoted German-Turkish music exchange and which actors were involved? What networks, policies and strategies can be identified and what new forms of knowledge have emerged through these processes? Archival research and interviews serve as methodology. The networks uncovered will then be transformed into a network model and visualized. Finally, the results will be prepared in the form of a one-hour podcast episode and a joint paper.
Contact: Utku Öğüt, and Sean Prieske,