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Playful Inclusion 2, From the Shelter to the City

Saba Barani, Technische Universität Berlin, Architektur


In our co-learning research group, Playful Inclusion, we facilitate setups for children and women to exercise their agency in claiming their demands and spaces within the hegemonic architectural and urban development systems in the city.  Our approach is rooted in a critical feminist perspective and employs playful collaborative methods. In Playful Inclusion 1, through games, we co-investigated spaces within and in the immediate vicinity of a refugee camp in Marzahn. In Playful Inclusion 2, we will expand this co-learning process to include not only refugee women and children from the camp but also women and children from the broader Marzahn neighborhood. Students act as co-researchers and the semester will start with critical readings and discussions to collaboratively shape the theoretical and practical framework for our research. This will be followed by doing observations and interviews via designing and performing critical picnics and temporary urban interventions in collaboration with various groups of women and children from the neighborhood, as well as collectives and stakeholders.The project concludes with data analysis, resulting in a booklet.The project is interdisciplinary and open to motivated bachelor and master students with a background or interest in architecture, urban planning, social sciences and students from related fields. We strongly encourage students with diverse backgrounds, languages, and ethnicities to participate in this course. 



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