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Ontological Threats: Defensive Racism in The European New Right

Mihnea Chiujdea, Freie Universität Berlin, Philosophie (WE 1)


This research group will analyse the form racism involved by the European New Right. Looking at the texts of Alain de Benoist, as well as conspiracy theories, such as the great replacement, we will employ the Foucauldian concept of problematisation to work out what understanding of race is involved by 'ethnopluralism' and the attempt to defend against what it perceives as cultural homogenisation. We will compare this defensive racism with the conceptualisation of race as threat in contemporary race theory, primarily coming from the US context. Finally, we will approach the racial ideology of the New Right from the standpoint of social ontology, to expose its metaphysical commitments about identity relations and to attempt to develop a critique of this basis. This research group will offer training in using research tools (e.g., databases) and provide experience in organising conferences and giving talks. Aimed at MA and advanced BA students from philosophy and the social sciences.



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