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BUA Office for Teaching and Learning

The BUA Office for Teaching and Learning consists of four field offices at the partner institutions of the Berlin University Alliance. The staff members provide information about teaching and learning offers within the framework of the Berlin University Alliance and are available to answer any questions.


Michael Hutzler, Freie Universität Berlin
E-Mail: bua@studium.fu-berlin.de
Information on BUA Teaching and Learning at Freien Universität Berlin

Samantha Wickremasinghe, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
E-Mail: studium.bua-buero@hu-berlin.de
Information on BUA Teaching and Learning at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

Amien Elobied, Technische Universität Berlin
E-Mail: contact@bua.tu-berlin.de
Information on BUA Teaching and Learning at Technische Universität Berlin

Jakob Schneider, Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin
E-Mail: bua-buero@charite.de
Information on BUA Teaching and Learning at Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin