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Exchange and Networking

Open Science-Stammtisch

The Open Science regulars' table takes place on the first Thursday of every month from 7:00 PM in Berlin-Neukölln and primarily addresses people from the Berlin and Brandenburg research and university teaching areas who are involved with Open Science as science managers, users or funders and who create the framework conditions for open research practices at their institutions.

As part of the monthly meetings, we always invite experts whose topics sharpen our understanding of the complex topic of openness in research and teaching and sensitize us to various aspects. At the same time, we use the regulars' table to inform ourselves about activities from our institutions and to create synergies.

More information


Dr. Stefan Skupien I Scientific Coordinator Open Science I please email stefan.skupien@berlin-university-alliance.de


The colloquium was a digital event series that took place between 2020 and 2024. It served, among other things, to present and interconnect the projects funded within the Advancing Research Quality and Value objective. At the same time, the colloquium was established as an information and exchange platform for all those interested in the topic of research quality and open science from research, science management, administration, and the public. Thus, it addressed not only researchers, who in their daily work must face the demands of practically fulfilling the highest scientific quality requirements against the background of conflicting or sometimes even absent standards, but it also addressed the areas of science administration and science policy, which have to define and implement framework conditions for research.

Program Colloquium 2020

Program Colloquium 2021

Program Colloquium 2022

Program Colloquium 2023

Program Colloquium 2024


Nele Hofmann I Scientific Coordinator Research Quality I please email nele.hofmann@berlin-university-alliance.de.

Panel discussion: Credit where it’s due. Just a matter of fairness?

A panel discussion on January 9, 2023, 6:00 to 7:30 p.m. at the Weizenbaum Institute, Hardenbergstr. 32, 10623 Berlin (and remote via livestream) with Stephen Curry (Imperial College London / DORA), Amelya Keles (Berlin Exchange Medicine), Jessica Rohmann (Max-Delbrück-Centrum), Cornelia Schendzielorz (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin / Robert Merton Center for Science Studies), Sonja Schimmler (Technische Universität Berlin / Fraunhofer Fokus), Bart Verberck (Nature Portfolio, Springer Nature).

This panel discussed various aspects of crediting in academia ranging from the promotion of young researchers to the question of equity with regard to contributions to scholarly output that lie beyond publishing. Moreover, it talked about  effects that result from crediting or non-crediting on an individual as well as systemic level.

Check out the discussion here.

You can also follow up on the discussion in an article published by Der Tagesspiegel.


Nele Hofmann I Scientific Coordinator Research Quality I please email nele.hofmann@berlin-university-alliance.de.