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Two researchers from Oxford and Berlin to receive seed funding for an investigation of Christian flamenco music and religious experiences

Dr Antonio Montañes Jimenez, University of Oxford, and Dr Mats Küssner, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin are among the the 2024 British Academy and the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation Knowledge Frontiers Symposium seed funding awardees. They will receive an award of £4955 for their project 'Exploring the entanglement of Christian flamenco music and religious experiences: A multi-method approach'

News from Nov 29, 2024

The project aims to pioneer an exploratory study on the role of music in shaping and producing religious experiences in the global Pentecostal Christian tradition. Specifically, the pair set out to understand how the soundscape of the 'Gitano Artist's church' in Madrid, a Gitano church known for its musical practices shaped by flamenco cultural traditions, contributes to the perception of sacred experiences as felt, narrated, and bodily expressed by Gitano believers. This innovative pilot research will employ a multi-method approach, combining ethnographic and music-psychological methods.

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