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Prof. Beate Kampmann is the new Academic Director of the Oxford Berlin Research Partnership

Prof. Dr. Beate Kampmann

Prof. Dr. Beate Kampmann
Image Credit: Aleix Cabrera / Barcelona Institute of Global Health (IGS)

The Scientific Director of the Center for Global Health and Director of the Institute for International Health at Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin succeeds Prof. Çiğdem İşsever (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin) as Academic Director of the Oxford Berlin Research Partnership.

News from Jan 24, 2024

"I am looking forward to working with colleagues at the BUA institutions and at the University of Oxford in this strategic partnership that is so important for Berlin and the Berlin University Alliance," said Prof. Beate Kampmann in her welcoming address. As Scientific Director of the Center for Global Health and Director of the Institute for International Health at Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Kampmann has many years of experience in international science management. Kampmann gathered ipressive international research experience during her time in the UK (including Imperial College London and the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine) and as Head of Vaccination Research at the Gambia Unit of the UK Medical Research Council. She now wants to use her experience to deepen and further develop the Oxford Berlin Research Partnership: "A lot has already been achieved and accomplished together in recent years. This is a good basis on which to build and implement further projects together," Kampmann looks ahead. "In addition to my own research focus in the field of global health, cooperation in the other fields of medical sciences and the other scientific disciplines like the humanities, social sciences and natural sciences that are present in the Oxford Berlin Research Partnership are of the utmost importance for the success of the partnership. I am therefore delighted to have an experienced and competent team of Vice Academic Directors at my side."

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