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Berlin University Alliance and University of Oxford deepen their ties with new Memorandum of Understanding

From left to right: Prof. Sommer (BR50), Prof. Kroemer (Charité), Governing Mayor Giffey, Prof. Ziegler (TU), Prof. Blumenthal (HU), State Secretary Naghipour, Prof. Gann (University of Oxford), Prof. Rauch (TU), Prof. Allmendinger (BR50)

From left to right: Prof. Sommer (BR50), Prof. Kroemer (Charité), Governing Mayor Giffey, Prof. Ziegler (TU), Prof. Blumenthal (HU), State Secretary Naghipour, Prof. Gann (University of Oxford), Prof. Rauch (TU), Prof. Allmendinger (BR50)
Image Credit: Landesarchiv Berlin, Wunstorf

The four institutions of the Berlin University Alliance and Oxford University joined forces five years ago to empower the next generation of the best and most talented researchers in Europe. Today, the partners are renewing their memorandum of understanding in the presence and upon invitation of Berlin Mayor Franziska Giffey, for five more years.

News from Nov 09, 2022

The new agreement recognizes the need to go beyond strengthening the existing links between Oxford and the Berlin universities and research institutes. The partnership wants to address not only the huge challenges facing humanity but also the need to cross disciplines and think together to overcome polarisation and other barriers to advancing our joint knowledge. A huge priority going forward will be to support researchers and graduate students from all institutions to move and work in their partner location.

The new memorandum of understanding allows for the involvement of the institutions of the BR50, which are an important part of the Berlin-Brandenburg research infrastructure, and with which Oxford and BUA already have many links. At a time of great political uncertainty in Europe, the partnership is keen to confirm the value of freedom of movement, of the freedom of ideas, and of academic excellence across national borders. Today’s signing of the MoU represents much more than the sum of its parts: it is the essence of academic freedom.

Mayor Franziska Giffey: “The cooperation between the world-renowned University of Oxford and the Berlin University Alliance, which has now been successfully established for five years, is a great asset for Berlin as a centre for science and research. The new Memorandum of Understanding sets an important course for Berlin's international profile in the field of science. We are honoured that our partners in Oxford continue to place such great importance upon the exchange of knowledge and research expertise with Berlin in the years to come.”

Science Senator Ulrike Gote: “Berlin is a science hub. Through exchange and cooperation with the University of Oxford, our position and future as a cosmopolitan capital will continue to grow. This depends to a large extent on the success of our universities and research institutions.”

Professor Dame Louise Richardson, Vice Chancellor of the University of Oxford: “I’m delighted that Oxford and the Berlin University Alliance have agreed to extend their partnership in this way. As I come to the end of my term as Oxford’s Vice-Chancellor, I shall look back with considerable pride at all we have been able to do with our partners in Berlin – at a very difficult time in British political history – to keep open our vital international links which are the lifeblood of teaching and research excellence”.

Professor Geraldine Rauch, president of Technische Universität Berlin and spokesperson of the Berlin University Alliance: “This MoU takes the collaboration between Oxford and the Berlin Science Area to the next level. The renewal of this agreement underlines the commitment of both the University of Oxford and the Berlin University Alliance to further develop their cooperation in the best common interest of our science, our cities and our citizens.”

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