Panel Discussion “Intersections of Science and Diplomacy – The Impact of Science on Foreign Policy in Times of Crisis”, 6 October 2022
Science and Diplomacy - two fields that are deeply intertwined
Image Credit: iStock/Luis Tse Pui Lung
In the light of current global challenges, the importance of international cooperation in research and science seems to be more evident than ever. Statements and position papers by German scientists and renowned funding institutions emphasize the relevance of cross-border cooperation in times of (geo)political and social challenges. At the same time, they point to a necessary renegotiation of claims and goals, through which international scientific exchange is seen more and more as part of an all-encompassing "foreign science policy". Although the relevance of scientific exchange is generally acknowledged, recently announced massive cuts in the budgets of relevant German funding organizations endanger the implementation of relevant measures.
The Berlin University Alliance, together with the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), cordially invites you to join experts in a conversation about the interconnectedness of geopolitics and foreign science policy on October 6.
Program (6 October 2022):
17:30 Admission and registration
18:00 Words of Welcome
Prof. Julia von Blumenthal (President Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin and member of the Board of Directors of the Berlin University Alliance)
Vito Cecere (Director for Research and Academic Relations Policy, Education and Research Policy and Cultural Relations Policy at the Federal Foreign Office in Berlin)
18:00 Panel discussion
Prof. Peter Frensch (Speaker of the Board of Directors, Berlin University Alliance)
Dr. Muriel Kim Helbig (Vice President, DAAD)
Dr. John Amuasi (scientific Project Manager "German-West African Centre for Global Health and Pandemic Prevention", Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Ghana)
Dr. Sharinee L. Jagtiani (Research Fellow, The German Institute for Global & Area Studies; Associate, Department of Politics and International Relations, University of Oxford)
Moderation: Dr. Cathleen Fisher (Executive Director German-American Fulbright Commission)
20:00 Reception
Location: Heilig- Geist-Kapelle (School of Business and Economics, Humboldt-University Berlin, Spandauer Straße 1, 10178 Berlin)
Prior registration is required to attend the event:
The event will be held in English language without translation. Guests are asked to wear a medical face mask. We reserve the right to apply the 3G rule if required by law at the time of the event.
Program (PDF download)
The panel discussion will be preceded by a networking event in the morning of the same day (upon personal invitation). "Science meets Embassies" brings together institutions of Berlin's scientific community and representatives of the more than 150 embassies located in Berlin. By combining both events, the Berlin University Alliance strives to create a forum for information, exchange and networking and thus contributes to strengthening Berlin as an integrative research area with international appeal.
Contact: Aleksandra Laski (