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The Melbourne/Berlin Research Partnership

October 2018 (from left): Berlin State Secretary Steffen Krach, Prof. Dr. Angela Ittel (Vice President, TU Berlin), Prof. Jim McCluskey (Deputy Vice-Chancellor, University of Melbourne), Prof. Dr. Verena Blechinger-Talcott (Vice President, FU Berlin)

October 2018 (from left): Berlin State Secretary Steffen Krach, Prof. Dr. Angela Ittel (Vice President, TU Berlin), Prof. Jim McCluskey (Deputy Vice-Chancellor, University of Melbourne), Prof. Dr. Verena Blechinger-Talcott (Vice President, FU Berlin)
Image Credit: Adrian Collins

The Berlin University Alliance and the University of Melbourne define the strategic direction of their collaboration

Joint research projects, the promotion of young researchers and the exchange of knowledge and experience – these are the goals that the Berlin University Alliance and the University of Melbourne have set themselves for their cooperation. The diverse individual relationships between Freie Universität Berlin, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Technische Universität Berlin and Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin with the Australian university suggested a strategic cooperation at the level of the Berlin University Alliance. An official agreement was signed at a ceremony in 2018. The cooperation contributes to strengthening and expanding German-Australian relations in the field of higher education.

Thanks to its excellent research in a variety of disciplines and innovative educational principles, the University of Melbourne, founded in 1853, is one of the world's top universities (rated 32nd in THE Worlds University Rankings). The Berlin University Alliance not only shares common research interests, but above all the impulse to create benefit for society through science.

Internationalization of graduate education

The first concrete research projects within the framework of the partnership were already established in 2019. Twelve projects from a wide range of disciplines, such as migration research, neuroscience and teacher training, were successful in the first funding round organized by the Berlin University Alliance and the University of Melbourne. In the future, the aim will be to combine excellent research with activities in joint graduate training and to actively involve doctoral students in Berlin and Melbourne in shaping the cooperation. Various funding and information formats of the Berlin University Alliance will contribute to supporting this endeavour.


Kathinka Rosenkranz, Coordinator Joint Partnerships and Joint PhD
Tel.: +49 30 / 2093-20084
E-Mail: kathinka.rosenkranz@berlin-university-alliance.de