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Call for Applications: Joint Partnership Funding 2024

Funding Call:

Flexible Funding for Cooperation with the National
University of Singapore and the University of Melbourne

The Berlin University Alliance offers flexible funding for researchers or staff who wish to expand their collaboration with colleagues at the strategic partner institutions the University of Melbourne or the National University of Singapore.
This funding scheme intends to stimulate contacts between researchers and administrative staff and to give an opportunity to explore potential joint projects or to deepen already existing cooperation with potential of high impact/visibility for the Berlin University Alliance.

Please refer to the call for proposals and the application form to apply.

Flexible Funding Call Overview


  • Call opens: immediately
  • Call closesrolling call, closing latest by 2 September 2024
  • Project startlatest October 2024
  • Project end: 29 November 2024

Please note: This is a rolling call - applications will be assessed as they are submitted. If demand is high, we may close the call before September.

Funding and Eligible Costs

  • Maximum funding: EUR 5,000 per project
  • Funds: Travel and accommodation costs are to be calculated in accordance with the Federal Travel Expenses Act (Bundesreisekostengesetz). The approved funds are designated as “Haushaltsmittel” and are exclusively earmarked for “Sachmittel” (incl. “Honorare”).
  • Formats: preparation of joint publications, joint teaching activities, organization of workshops and/or exhibitions, staff exchange, and beyond. Please note that funding is not available for conference attendance as a stand-alone activity.
  • Period of funding: The grants support activities to be conducted in 2024. All activities must conclude by 29 November 2024

Eligibility Criteria

  • Application in tandems: professor, postdoctoral researcher or staff member from both the Berlin University Alliance institutions (Freie Universität Berlin, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Technische Universität Berlin, and Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin) and one of the above partner institutions (UoM, NUS) are eligible to apply.
  • Submission of Applications:
    • joint application by partners from both universities
    • CVs of the collaborators (no longer than two pages each).
    • Individuals or projects currently funded by the BUA-NUS and/or the MEL-BUA research partnerships will only be considered if the proposed activity is an additional facet of the existing partnership.

Timeline and Application Process

Please use the application form provided in the download section to apply.

  • Application: Description of your project, joint activities, and the pursued goal
  • Decision: Can be expected shortly after the receipt of the application
  • Submission: Please submit the completed application form to Kathinka Rosenkranz -Coordinator BUA Joint Partnerships, Melbourne and Singapore - to apply for the grant.
  • Prerequisites: Upon completion of the selection procedure, allocated grant funds will be disbursed to the relevant faculty or department overseeing the project. A valid cost center at one of the affiliated institutions is mandatory for fund transfer.

Selection Committee and Procedure

The selection committee, comprising individuals from CCT8, evaluates proposals based on specified criteria:

  • Range of Initiatives and Disciplines
  • Encouraging new Collaborations
  • Sustainability of the Initiative
  • Diversity and Inclusion

Please, see the funding call for further details.

In the event of a positive review, you will receive feedback from us via email with further information on the allocation of funds. A brief informal report will be required at the conclusion of the collaboration.

Contact Details

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact
Kathinka Rosenkranz, Coordinator Joint Partnerships (University of Melbourne and National University of Singapore)

Tel.: +49 30 / 2093-20084

E-Mail: kathinka.rosenkranz@berlin-university-alliance.de

§  Call opens: immediately

§  Call closes:  rolling call, closing latest by 2 September 2024

§  Project start: latest October 2024

§  Project end: 29 November 2024

Please note: This is a rolling call - applications will be assessed as they are submitted. If demand is high, we may close the call before September.