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Uncovering hidden talents in harsh environments

Johannes Julius Mohn, Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Institut für Medizinische Pschologie, CC01


Early life adversity is often seen as a profound obstacle to healthy development. Yet, emerging research reveals a more nuanced picture where harsh environments can also shape remarkable adaptive abilities to navigate stress, referred to as “hidden talents.” Such skills not only build resilience but also hold transformative potential, enabling individuals to thrive if harnessed effectively. In this hands-on student research group, we will explore the concept of “hidden talents”, strategize how they can be identified, and develop a behavioural paradigm to measure them. This research group is aimed at advanced students from various backgrounds interested in the intersection of experimental psychology and social sciences. Students without programming experience should review onboarding materials beforehand. The project fosters a collaborative, research-driven environment where students actively contribute, develop new skills, and embrace challenges as learning opportunities.



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