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Expand Your Career Horizons: Are you ready to take your career on a global level? Apply for the Hit the Jackpot 2024 grant and receive up to 10,000 € to build international networks and collaborations. Elevate your research impact and connect with like-minded scholars around the world. In this open call, we are willing to support a wide range of activities and formats as long as your own career development remains the main goal. Don’t miss out on this chance to transform your postdoctoral journey! For questions regarding the application process, please log in to one of our Q&A sessions: Tuesday, July 16th, at 12 PM and Tuesday, July 23rd, at 12 PM: Webex-Link

Click here for more information and the application form.
Prof. Dr. Dieter Nautz ist Professor für Ökonometrie. Er hat in Heidelberg Mathematik studiert und ist 1990 nach Berlin gewechselt. Nach der Promotion und Habilitation an der FU Berlin war Prof. Nautz sowohl an der HU als auch an der FU Postdoc!
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