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Center for Electron Microscopy (ZELMI)


The Center for Electron Microscopy Facility (ZELMI) has been a service facility of the TU Berlin since 1978 for research support, development of analysis methods and teaching in the areas of light and electron microscopy as well as related physical analysis methods. Our specialty is the combination of complementary methods for a wide variety of questions from all experimental research groups at TU Berlin, external institutions, companies and, since 2024, also the BUA partners.

In the areas of scanning electron microscopy (SEM), electron probe microanalysis (EPMA), focused ion beam (FIB) and (scanning)transmission electron microscopy (STEM, TEM) including numerous additional detectors (EDX, WDX, µXRF, EBSD, low-kV, low-Vac, in-situ, 3D , 4D ) state of the art support including the necessary sample preparation can be offered. Catalysts, nanotechnology, physics, optics, photonics, semiconductors, solar cells, environmental analysis, geology, mineralogy, water treatment, biotechnology, medical technology and pharmaceuticals are the most frequently considered subject areas.

Many large devices and accessories were purchased in cooperation with the users. Since 2006, ZELMI has also been cooperating with the “Electron and Ion Nanooptics” chair of Prof. Lehmann, who is also the scientific director of ZELMI. The elected council decides on the affairs of ZELMI, which has been a founding member of the Alliance Center Electron Microscopy (ACEM) of the Berlin University Alliance (BUA) since 2023.

ZELMI is also represented in teaching with the “Microscopy” lecture and several internships.

Center for Electron Microscopy (ZELMI)