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Institute of Biology, Molecular Parasitology: Comparative electron microscopy


The Laboratory for Comparative Electron Microscopy of the Humboldt-Universität offers analysis methods for biological samples of all kinds. We study animal tissues as well as plant tissues, investigate the ultrastructure of unicellular parasites and bacterial biofilms, but also the structure of macromolecules such as proteins. We specialize in correlating light- and electron-microscopic analyses in 2D and 3D. And, we develop individual research strategies even for the most unusual specimens and teach graduate students and researchers in light-microscopical and electron-microscopical techniques.

Publications from the Laboratory for Comparative Electron Microscopy can be found here:


Laboratory for Comparative Electron Microscopy – Equipment:

  • Transmission electron microscope: Zeiss EM9
  • Scanning electron microscope: Leo 1430
  • Light microscopes: Zeiss Axioplan, Zeiss Axioplan 2 (Fluorescence), Leica DM IRB (inverse with micromanipulator)
  • 4D-microscope: Zeiss Axioplan 2 (Fluorescence)
  • bifocal 4D-microscope: Zeiss Examiner D1
  • Critical point drier: Balzers Union CPD 030
  • Sputter coater: Balzers Union SCD 040
  • Ultramicrotome: Leica Ultracut S (2x), Leica Ultracut UCT
  • 3D-reconstruction software: Amira 6.4 and 5.4
  • Microtome: Microj HM 355 S
  • Paraffin embedding station: Shandon Hypercenter XP, Leica EG 116

Institute of Biology, Molecular Parasitology: Comparative electron microscopy