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Core Facility for Cryo Electron Microscopy (CFcryoEM)


Charité´s Facility for in situ structural biology

The Core Facility for cryo-Electron Microscopy (CFcryo-EM) is a dedicated technology platform for high resolution imaging of biological sample at cryogenic temperatures. Besides standard applicactions such as Single Particle Analysis, our high-end instrumentation is particularly suited to perform in situ structural biology by combining cryo confocal microscopy, cryo-FIB lamella milling, and cryo-electron tomography.

Our research focusses on method development in the field of optogenetically assisted time resolved cryo-electron microscopy as well as automation of cryo electron tomography.

Our research infrastructure is accessible in service as well as user mode for any academic or industrial user, however we primarilary serve users from our consortium and BUA partners.

The consortium running CFcryo-EM comprises the Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin, the Max Delbrück Center for Molecular Medicine in the Helmoltz Association, and the Leibniz-Forschungsinstitut für Pharmakology in the Leibniz Association. The Facility is housed in a dedicated research building on Campus Berlin Buch, the Isolde-Dietrich-Haus.

Core Facility for Cryo Electron Microscopy (CFcryoEM)