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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) about the Retreat

Arrival and travel arrangements

Yes, participants must organize their own travel to the hotel. The hotel can be reached with public transport from Berlin.

No, you must arrange their own travel to the hotel.

No, you must cover their own travel costs.


If you get ill and can’t attend the event, you can cancel free of charge. Please cancel as early as possible and attach a medical certificate.

If you unable to attend the event for any other reason, please cancel your registration as early as possible. If we can give your spot to a person from the waiting list, your cancellation is free of charge. If we can’t allocate your spot to someone else, we reserve the right to charge you proportionally for the cost of accommodation in the hotel.

Hotel and meals

You will be accommodated in the hotel. Accommodation and meals (3 main meals including a drink, soft drinks during the workshops, coffee and cake breaks) are free of charge.

No, the cost of hotel accommodation is free of charge for participants. Accommodation fees will be covered by Berlin University Alliance.

You will be accommodated in single rooms. Therefore, it is not necessary to choose a room partner.

If you order additional drinks beyond the above-mentioned catering, you will have to pay for them yourself.

There will be vegetarian meals. If you have any other special meal requests, please let us know.

Registration and participation requirements

You can participate if you can prove that you are already pursuing a doctorate at a university or institute of the Berlin University Alliance. Register with your official university email address and make sure to provide the name and address of your institute. If you do not have an official email address yet, please contact us after registration to provide an individual proof. This can be a letter from the doctoral office to confirm you have submitted your application for admission, or a confirmation letter from your supervisor.

You can only register for the English-language event or for the German-language event, but not for both. The program of both events is identical, only the language will differ.

Once you are registered, we expect you to participate in the entire retreat program. Exceptions may be possible if you arrive no more than two hours later or leave no more than two hours earlier. In that case, please contact the organizers in advance.

The registration confirmation will be sent automatically. Please check your spam folder. If you do not find the registration confirmation there either, please contact us. Do not fill out the registration form more than once.