EDIble Others. Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) in Neoliberal University
Vortragsreihe „Critical Diversity and Gender Studies in the 21st Century“
Im Rahmen der „Audre Lorde-BUA-Guestprofessorship for Intersectional Diversity Studies” des Diversity and Gender Equality Networks DiGENet wird die Erziehungswissenschaftlerin und Geschlechterforscherin Professorin Maisha M. Auma in diesem Wintersemester Themen rund um Diversität in Wissenschaftsinstitutionen, Inklusion und Intersektionalität kritisch und aus transnationalen Perspektiven beleuchten.
EDIble Others. Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) in Neoliberal University. Clickbaiting diversity in today’s university
Prof. Sirma Bilge
Chair: Prof. Maisha M. Auma
In Kooperation mit dem Berlin Center for Global Engagement (BCGE)
This lecture weaves together strands of scholarly work on neoliberal university, affect, and diversity governmentality to think through a specific process of interpellation. It seeks to understand how the newest playing field of the neoliberal diversity complex, namely EDI/DEI portfolio, hails us as “persons of diversity” and succeeds to recruit some of us as players. It asks, what does it mean to engage in EDI enterprise within university at this historical moment? In what ways EDI rhetorics, procedures, and protocols articulate to neoliberal university’s ongoing ingestion of difference and neutralizing of dissent?
- Diversity