Vortragsreihe „Critical Diversity and Gender Studies in the 21st Century“
Im Rahmen der „Audre Lorde-BUA-Guestprofessorship for Intersectional Diversity Studies” des Diversity and Gender Equality Networks DiGENet wird die Erziehungswissenschaftlerin und Geschlechterforscherin Professorin Maisha M. Auma in diesem Wintersemester Themen rund um Diversität in Wissenschaftsinstitutionen, Inklusion und Intersektionalität kritisch und aus transnationalen Perspektiven beleuchten.
Inclusion or Diversity? Trilemma of Inclusion/ Trilemma of Diversity
Dr. Mai-Anh Boger
Chair: Prof. Maisha M. Auma
Die Vortragsreihe wird online via Zoom stattfinden:
Webinar-ID: 638 8454 9808
Code: 511663
In Kooperation mit dem Berlin Center for Global Engagement (BCGE)
The theory of trilemmatic inclusion – or, as today's host prefers to call it: the theory of trilemmatic diversity – is a tool designed to inspire re_orientations in the fields of activism and scholarship. Drawing on the concept of rhizomatic cartography (Deleuze & Guattari), it traces pathways of resistance, different anti-discriminatory strategies, and their dead ends which arise from logical contradictions as well as ethical ambivalences. The lecture will give a short introduction into this theoretical tool and use it to analyze different exemplary fields.