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Neoliberal and neofascistic barriers to diversity and dissent

16.12.2021 | 18:00 - 20:00

Vortragsreihe „Critical Diversity and Gender Studies in the 21st Century“

Im Rahmen der „Audre Lorde-BUA-Guestprofessorship for Intersectional Diversity Studies” des Diversity and Gender Equality Networks DiGENet wird die Erziehungswissenschaftlerin und Geschlechterforscherin Professorin Maisha M. Auma in diesem Wintersemester Themen rund um Diversität in Wissenschaftsinstitutionen, Inklusion und Intersektionalität kritisch und aus transnationalen Perspektiven beleuchten.

Neoliberal and neofascistic barriers to diversity and dissent: academic resistance in troubled times.
Prof. Zeynep Gambetti (requested)
Chair: Prof. Maisha M. Auma

Die Vortragsreihe wird online via Zoom stattfinden. Die Vorträge finden in englischer Sprache mit DGS-Dolmetschen statt: https://tu-berlin.zoom.us/j/63884549808?pwd=VURlRDJpTXJJNXl4N1ZMdU9ISmxlZz09


In Kooperation mit dem Berlin Center for Global Engagement (BCGE)


Today’s Far Right as well as neoconservative ideologues are hijacking “the right to difference,” a right that is recognized in the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. By politicizing the neoliberal doctrine of the “equal right to inequality,” dominant discourses across the globe are paradoxically reconfiguring pressures towards conformity. The aim is to achieve sameness without recourse to Leviathan. In many parts of the world, direct governmental action against dissent seems to be replaced by the impersonal power of marketization, demanding active but uncritical adjustments by citizens. The tyranny of the majority is exercised by the statistical curve, whose lower end spells social death, as well as by the rhetoric of security that constructs the Other as the public enemy.

Given this context, how should we conceive of diversity at the university as well as beyond it? How does critical theory fare in revalorizing difference in the face of the economic and political appeal of identitarianism? Are the concepts of “co-existence” and “recognition” effective in addressing the anxieties produced by the neoliberal destruction of social guarantees? If not, can alternatives be constructed to practices that simultaneously standardize and divide us?