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Navigating the housing crisis. Investigating informal housing arrangements in Berlin through biographies of newcomers

Jakub Galuszka, Lucas Elsner, Technische Universität Berlin, Fakultät VI - Planen Bauen Umwelt, Architektur

The housing crisis in Berlin has reached unprecedented proportions. The opportunity to secure accommodation is particularly challenging for newcomers. Without the ability to comply with growing financial and administrative requirements, people increasingly rely on informal housing arrangements. The research group dives into this problem and analyses how the new facets of the housing crisis and 'hidden housing markets' unfold in the context of Berlin. Through the combination of methods that will include interviews, mapping and documentation of living conditions and arrangements, we will address this problem and analyse the housing trajectories of newcomers in the city. The research will incorporate methods training, engagement with theory and extended fieldwork phase, including interactions with housing experts and tenants. The course is open for students at the masters level from urban planning, architecture, geography, sociology, anthropology and related disciplines. 
