A public conference by the Berlin University Alliance
“Which role for society in Europe's research future? Open Science in Research Evaluation and Assessment”
The long-term goal of the Alliance's four partners is nothing less than to turn Berlin into an integrated research environment – but what exactly that means, noone so far knows exactly. In Brussels, the nexus between research, scientists and stakeholders or the public is also intensely discussed. Therefore, the Brussels office of the Alliance has organised a high level conference, featuring the three presidents and the CEO of Charité as well as the European Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth, Mariya Gabriel, MEP Christian Ehler, the president of the Euroepan Research Council, Maria Leptin, as well as eminent researchers.
The Berlin University Alliance is convening this high-level public conference in Brussels on June 30 to explore when, where and why it is truly beneficial to involve stakeholders in European science – and by extension how that should be recognised and rewarded going forward. Policy developments in open science, in research assessment and in evaluation are currently under intense debate in Brussels and worldwide – not least given their potential impact on European and international scientific careers and projects. There is however a sense that many of these forward-looking discussions often overlook a key component of open science – namely, the rationale and processes for stakeholder inclusion throughout the research value chain.
You are cordially invited to participate in the conference.
More information and registration
Brussels Office of the Berlin University Alliance