VIVO Talks!
The event series VIVO Talks! is organized by the project team of VIVO Research Information Platform at Berlin University Alliance.
VIVO Talks! is an online event series organized by the project team of VIVO Research Information Platform
Image Credit: colourbox
In "VIVO Talks!" we address key questions all around the development of VIVO Research Information Platform for Berlin University Alliance. Within this event series, we bring together stakeholders with diverse backgrounds from research information to research infrastructure to research data management.
A short keynote gives insights to relevant topics and current developments. Thereafter, all participants are invited to join the conversation, exchange their experience and discuss central questions. "VIVO Talks!" is held online via Zoom. Upcoming events will be announced here.
Previous Events
- Development of an automatic text-based (inter)disciplinary classification of projects and publications using NLP. Speakers: Florian Kotschka and Rolf Guescini (in English)
- Creating a visual research topic map for SAMURAI catalogue and an introduction to Materials Data Platform (DICE) at NIMS, Japan. Speaker: Sae Dieb (in English)
- Ontological Infrastructure for Interoperable Research Information Systems. Speaker: Diego López-de-Ipiña (in English)
- Why and How to Invest in Open Research Infrastructure? Speaker: Emmy Tsang (in English)
- Open Research Information at the Berlin University Alliance for Responsible Research Assessment. Speaker: Ludo Waltman (in English)
- Building Community and Collaborations Across the Berlin University Alliance Using VIVO. Speaker: Bruce Herbert (in English)
- PIDs for Institutions. Organisational ID and ROR. Speaker: Paul Vierkant (in German)
- Classification of Interdisciplinary Research Areas. Speaker: Vivien Petras (in German)