VIVO Talks!
Building Community and Collaborations Across the Berlin University Alliance using VIVO
This talk took place on Wednesday, March 30, 2022, 3 - 4 pm CEST. VIVO Talks! is organized by the project team of VIVO Research Information Platform at Berlin University Alliance.
Bruce Herbert, Director of the Office of Scholarly Communications in the Sterling C. Evans Library at Texas A&M University (TAMU) and VIVO Chair, shared specific benefits of the VIVO-based research information platform SCHOLARS@TAMU at Texas A&M University. Furthermore, Bruce Herbert presented use cases for visualizing and supporting interdisciplinary research based on the VIVO open source software. The talk has been recorded and the video is available on this website.
The VIVO-based RIM system at Texas A&M University facilitates new research collaborations
Image Credit: Colourbox
About the Speaker
Bruce Herbert is Professor of Geology and currently serves as the Director of the Office of Scholarly Communications (OSC) in the Sterling C. Evans Library at Texas A&M University. As Director of OSC, Bruce Herbert is responsible for strengthening the library’s efforts in scholarly communications and open access through engagement and collaboration with the faculty across campus at TAMU. Together with his team, he has been using the VIVO software to provide a research information management (RIM) platform at TAMU since 2015. Their RIM system SCHOLARS@TAMU serves to improve the discoverability of scholarly expertise, enhance research and academic reputation of TAMU as well as to facilitate new research collaborations. Backed by his extensive experience and contributions to the VIVO open source project, Bruce Herbert has been elected Chair of the VIVO Leadership Group last year.
In addition, Bruce Herbert is actively pursuing the professional development of future faculty and teachers; and the design of tertiary educational programs that promote learning for all students, develop synergy between educational and research activities, and address major societal issues. He has served as the Associate Director of Geosciences in the NSF-supported Information Technology in Science (ITS) Center for Learning and Teaching at Texas A&M University, the principal investigator of the NSF Teacher Professional Continuum program entitled Professional Learning Community Model for Alternative Pathways in Teaching Science and Mathematics, PLC–MAP, and co-PI of the NSF-sponsored CIRTL Network - Shaping, Connecting, and Supporting the Future National STEM Faculty.
About this Talk
Interdisciplinary research plays an important role in facing the grand challenges of our time and to come up with not only effective but also sustainable solutions. Fostering interdisciplinary research has become a key priority in research policies as well as for research organizations, such as the Berlin University Alliance. In this context, research information is an invaluable institutional asset. At TAMU, Bruce Herbert and his team have been developing and running a successful VIVO-based RIM platform since 2015 offering visualizations like the Co-author Network or the Map of Science. Scholars@TAMU serves as system of record for academic reputation at Texas A&M by harvesting publicly available research data (e.g., grants and publications), and restricted/proprietary data from disparate sources into compiled expertise profiles for faculty, investigators, scholars, clinicians, community partners, and facilities.
In VIVO Talks!, Brucec Herbert highlights the specific benefits of a VIVO-based RIM system. On top of that, he provides insights into different use cases supporting interdisciplinary research based on VIVO – among others a research dashboard in development that connects and visualizes research topics and people at TAMU. Please note that this session will be held in English.
Talk Recording
Bruce Herbert's talk – but not the discussion afterwards – has been recorded via Zoom. The video can be played here:
About VIVO Talks!
In VIVO Talks! we address key questions all around the development of VIVO Research Information Platform for Berlin University Alliance. Within this event series, we bring together stakeholders with diverse backgrounds from research information to research infrastructure to research data management. A short keynote gives insights to relevant topics and current developments. Thereafter, all participants are invited to join the conversation, exchange their experience and discuss central questions.
About VIVO Research Information Platform
The project Research Information Platform with VIVO aims at developing a federated platform presenting information of researchers, their research and activities within the framework of Berlin University Alliance. The platform relies on the open source software VIVO, where techniques of the semantic web are exploited to present people and their work in a structured and searchable way. Network analysis, expert identification, visualizations and analysis of research impact are direct components of the platform. The current development phase of the projects runs until end of 2023.
This project is funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and the state of Berlin within the framework of the Excellence Strategy of the Federal Government and the Länder.
Claudia Adam, Community Manager VIVO Platform