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Improving the administrative framework

Project duration 9/23 – 09/26

Participating institutions Freie Universität Berlin, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Technische Universität Berlin, Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin

Principal investigator

  • Ricarda Keenan, Berlin University Alliance

Project description

Access to high-quality infrastructure is an important competitive factor for cutting-edge research, for attracting highly qualified scientists and for attracting third-party funding. Objective 5 “Sharing Resources” aims to expand the shared use of research infrastructures and create a Berlin-wide network of research infrastructures and services.

The project "Improving the administrative framework" aims to create transparent and efficient processes and structures that enable low-threshold access to knowledge and research services as well as seamless collaboration. To this end, a detailed understanding of the initial situation and the requirements for these framework conditions has been developed in several workshops with experts of various BUA-departments in previous preliminary projects, which took place from September 2023 to March 2024.

The sub-projects "Legal framework", "Tax regulations" and "Models for cost distribution" focus on the systematic collection, presentation and clarification of central legal, financial and fiscal issues and problems in cooperation projects.

Principal investigator:

  • Ricarda Keenan, Head of "Sharing Resources", Berlin University Alliance

E-Mail: ricarda.keenan@berlin-university-alliance.de

Subproject leaders:

  • Legal framework
Florian Frank, Head of the Research Contracts, Patents, Licenses Unit; Technische Universität Berlin
Constantin Kluge, Head of the Appointments and Strategic Cooperation Unit; Technische Universität Berlin
  • Tax regulations
Katharina Heide, Taxes department; Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
  • Models for cost distribution