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28. April - TU Berlin

“BUA Core Facility Presentation 2025: The Diversity of Scientific Challenges tackled by Advanced Electron Microscopy Methods”

This year Core Facility Day of the ACEM at TU Berlin on 28 April, starting at 2 p.m., is focused on current studies by early career researchers, who are funded by the corresponding ACEM call. As a consequence, the program gives a glimpse into the broad range of scientific challenges, which can be unraveled by state-of-the-art instrumentation and in-depth expertise of ACEM member facilities. In the poster session and the subsequent get-together there will once again be an opportunity for exchange, networking and information about ACEM's offerings.

The event will take place at the main building (H) of TU Berlin in room H3005, Straße des 17. Juni 135, 10623 Berlin.

Registration is not necessary.

The programme will be available soon.

22. - 23.July - MDC in Buch

International Symposium “Bridging Electron Microscopy in Life Sciences and Material Sciences – Common Challenges and Opportunities”

Further information will be provided in due course.


18. - 20. June 2024 - TU Berlin

EM- device training SEM-EDX at TU Berlin

This course teaches the basics of operating scanning electron microscopes (SEM) including elemental analysis (EDX). The focus is on hands-on practice in small groups supplemented by insights into the underlying measurement methodology as well as sample preparation and the required light microscopy.

The target group are scientists and technicians from university departments with a current or future need for the SEM and EDX analysis methods. This year's 15-hour course will be held in German.

16. July 2024 - Charité

“BUA Core Facility Presentation 2024: Alliance Center Electron Microscopy (ACEM)”

For the first time, the Alliance Center Electron Microscopy (ACEM) is hosting the "BUA Core Facility Presentation 2024" on July 16, 2024, at 3 PM. This event will be held at Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin and is conducted in English. The event is aimed at scientists and students from the Berlin University Alliance and offers the opportunity for exchange, networking and information about the ACEM's offers with lectures, poster presentations and a subsequent get-together.

The event will take place in the auditorium of the Charité Cross Over (CCO), Virchowweg 6, Campus Charité Mitte. Registration is not necessary.

7.-8. October 2024 - FU Berlin

“BUA Summer School of Electron Microscopy for Material and Life Sciences”

This Summer School will provide an overview of the various techniques and methods such as TEM, SEM, 3D-EM, cryo-EM and beyond. In addition to scientific lectures, the methods, techniques and equipment will also be presented in the BUA room. In addition to the scientific exchange, the focus of the event is also on networking and developing new collaborations in the Berlin science area.

The target groups are: PhDs and young scientists (PostDocs)