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Institute of Veterinary Anatomy, Center for Electron Microscopy


The "Centre for Electron Microscopy of the School of Veterinary Medicine" offers transmission electron microscopy (TEM, JEM-1400-Flash, Jeol) as a service for all scientific projects.

The group's expertise is the morphological examination of cells, tissues, and organs of various species in situ and in vitro as part of life science (basic research).

Our services comprise typical macroscopic examinations as well as histological, cytological, and molecular biological examinations. Cell cultures can also be analyzed in a three-dimensional array. All cellular and subcellular components can be visualized via TEM. In addition, specific epitopes within a cell can be detected using immunoelectron microscopy.

Together, we will develop concepts to visualize your aimed structures in the best way in order to answer your scientific questions.

Institute of Veterinary Anatomy, Center for Electron Microscopy