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Previous and current calls for proposals of the OX/BER research partnership

Current calls for proposals

There are currently no open calls to display

Previous calls for proposals

Flexible funding OX (2021)

The University of Oxford offered the opportunity for short-term funding of projects that contribute to strengthening the partnership. Principal investigators from Oxford were able to apply for up to £7,500 together with cooperation partners from the Berlin University Alliance.

Flexible funding BER (2021)

Within the framework of the partnership, funds were provided for various formats to promote the initiation of new collaborations and research projects or the continuation and strengthening of existing ones.

CAS Call Global Health (2021)

In a second call for proposals, the OX/BER CAS addressed researchers in the field of 'global health'. The call was aimed at cooperation groups working on new and innovative approaches in the areas of 'antimicrobial resistance (AMR)', 'pandemic lessons and future pandemic preparedness', and 'digital health and AI'.

CAS Call Social Cohesion (2020)

Following the footsteps of the first Grand Challenge Initiative Social Cohesion, the OX|BUA CAS is funding three interdisciplinary projects that explore issues around social cohesion in a preliminary round of funding.

Seed funding (2018 and 2019)

The aim of the seed funding was to identify synergies between Oxford and Berlin, to expand existing excellent cooperative research initiatives and to initiate new ones. The Oxford/Berlin research partnership intended to use this funding to initiate new and innovative research projects and to provide universal support in generating further third-party funds.