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Sustainable access to healthcare through e-health technologies in East Africa


Applicants: PD Dr. Wilm Quentin (Technische Universität Berlin), Dr. Jörg Heldmann (Charité), Nora Anton (Charité), Prof. Dr. Felix Knauf (Charité), Dr. Katharina Kast (Charité), Dr. Samuel Knauss (Charité), Dr. Julius Emmrich (Charité)

Project partner:
Prof. Dr. Charles Ibingira (University of Ghana, Ghana)
Prof. Dr. Tonny Oyana (University of Ghana, Ghana)
Dr. Julius Emmrich (Doctors for Madagascar, Civil Society, DE/UK/LUX, Madagascar)
Dr. Robert Kalyesubula (ACCESS Civil Society, Makerere University, Uganda)
Dr. Gerald Mutungi (Ministry of Health, Uganda)

The researchers explore the potential of the electronic health savings book mTomady, initially developed to enable maternal care in Madacasgar, to support a community health worker based system for non-communicable disease treatment and care in rural Uganda. The project is a collaboration between the Charité (Division of Nephrology and Internal Intensive Care Medicine and Department of Neurology with Experimental Neurology), Technische Universität Berlin, Makerere University and ACCESS Uganda.