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How is the application procedure?

  • Please submit proposals in English using the application template (see download section below).
  • Please ensure that proposals fully adhere to the Eligibility Conditions and Funding Conditions of the funding call.
  • Please send your application to nextgrandchallenge@berlin-university-alliance.de by  April 29, 2024, 10 a.m.. Please submit all templates in the file format in which they were provided.
  • For the purpose of transdisciplinary co-exploration of topics and research questions a series of workshops is organized for applicants and non-scientific experts by the Berlin University Alliance. These will take place end of February and end of March 2024. An invitation and a detailed program will be published on the Website by January 22, 2024. Participation in the workshops is recommended, but not mandatory for application.
  • For the purposes of the review process, applicants are kindly requested to inform us by no later than March 21, 2024 of their intention to submit a proposal. Please send an email to
    nextgrandchallenge@berlin-university-alliance.de with the following information:
    • your name and affiliation
    • a provisional project title
    • a provisional list of PIs and cooperation partners (names and affiliation)
    • 5 major keywords
    • a project outline of max. 1000 characters (count without spaces)