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Internal Scientific Council

The Internal Scientific Council is the advisory body to the Executive Board.

Freie Universität Berlin

Prof. Dr. Anita Traninger  (Dept. Philosophy and Humanities)

Prof. Dr. Tanja Börzel  (Dept.Political and Social Sciences)

Prof. Katharina J. Franke  (Dept. Physics)

Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

Prof. Dr. Claudia Mareis (Dept. Cultural Studies)

Prof. Dr. Ulf Leser  (Dept. Computer Science)

Prof. Dr. Susanne Schreiber (Dept. Biology)

Technische Universität Berlin

Prof. Dr. Volker Mehrmann (Dept. Mathematics)

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dieter Peitsch (Dept. Aeronautics and Astronautics)

Prof. Dr. Ulrike Woggon (Dept. Non-linear Optics)

Charité-Universitätsmedizin Berlin

Prof. Dr. Dietmar Schmitz (Dept. Neurosciences)

Prof. Dr. Britta Siegmund  (Dept. Gastroenterology, infectiology and Rheumatology)

Prof. Dr. Angelika Eggert  (Dept. Paediatrics)