Forms of Belonging: The Making and Unmaking of Transnational Identities Across Afro-Asian Diasporas in Berlin
Anna Frehiwot Maconi, Julianne Chua, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Anglistik und Amerikanistik
How are notions of the self reshaped as they bifurcate along state, ethnic or religious lines? How do affinities shift as immigrants negotiate between cultural identities? Our transdisciplinary research project explores constructions of identities in relation to hybridity and transnationalism. We aim to develop a plurality of methodologies and practices by engaging with transmissions of diasporic knowledges beyond print, via myriad mediums—radio, sound archives, films, interviews, food and visual cultures. Working in dialogue with artists and cultural producers in Berlin, students will examine and speculate expanded possibilities of displacement, senses of belonging and ways of living together. Bachelor’s or Master’s students in literary studies, cultural studies, Asian studies, African studies, art history, anthropology, sociology, humanities and social sciences. People with migration background or interests in diaspora studies are particularly welcome, however this is not imperative.
Fachliche:r Betreuer:in
Prof. Dr. Martin Klepper
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