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The Earth We Tread

Marina Resende Santos, İnci Sağırbaş, Technische Universität Berlin, Architektur


What does “land” mean? How do you use the word “terra”? And how do you define “Boden”? These words’ varied and disputed meanings reflect our complex relationships with the ground we inhabit. Today, the interlocked crises of the environment, displacement, and housing call for a restructuring of these relationships. We will cultivate this imagination through artistic and design research. We’ll learn from global land use movements, especially from Brazil, Turkey, and Germany, to produce works around land sites in Berlin.   We'll examine perceptions of land, the agency of non-humans, and spatial claims in everyday life, uncovering practices that challenge dominant narratives of development, extractivism, and human exceptionalism. We will also perform embodied exercises and site walks in Berlin.   The course is open to students of any discipline, and the group will be selected through an interest form provided on the first session. Write to the instructors if you can't attend the first day.

Fachliche:r Betreuer:in

Dr. Juliana Canedo



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