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Dynamics of Planetary Bodies: From Solar System Formation to Internal Evolution and Magnetic Fields

Delaram Darivasi, Maria Paula Bustos Moreno, Hari Bharath Chitta, Taruna Parihar, Yertay Yeskaliyev, Khizar Rustam, Jiaying Gong

This research comprehensively studies various aspects of planetary bodies, including the accretion of planets (Khizar), the size-frequency distribution of asteroids (Jiaying), thermal pressurization in the near-Earth asteroid Ryugu's parent body (Yertay), the magnetic field of asteroid Vesta (Hari), and lastly, Moment of Inertia (MOI) (Delaram), core’s hydration swelling and shrinking (Taruna), and outer-core-ocean layer cracks (Maria) of Saturn’s icy moon Enceladus. A new approach to simulate the solar system's formation is introduced, using a modified Springer simulation method. It explores the solar accretion disc evolution and the early planet formation, revealing on the dynamic interplay of celestial bodies within the young solar system. The size-frequency distribution and collisional evolution of the asteroid belt uncovers a dynamic equilibrium between destruction and creation processes, generating smaller asteroids through collisions and rotational disruption. It improves understanding of the asteroid belt's evolution and families. The presence of magnetic anomalies and the orientation of magnetic materials in Vesta's surface rocks support the hypothesis that the asteroid possessed a dynamo-generated magnetic field in its early history, offering valuable insights into its geological evolution and internal processes. Thermal pressurization in Ryugu’s parent body causes pore cracks, which are seen in the Ryugu sample. This occurs during temperature increases, involving thermal expansion and isothermal compressibility, which affect pore volume and aspect ratio. This study expands on Neumann and Kruse's internal evolution models (2019) for Enceladus' likely internal structure, comparing MOI from models with the MOI derived from Cassini's gravity data by Iess et al. (2014). The evolution of Enceladus' spin velocity influenced by tidal forces from Saturn and neighboring moons is also examined. As heat travels through Enceladus' core-ocean-ice crust layer, each layer responds differently due to unique physical conditions, leading to swelling and shrinking of the core through processes of hydration and dehydration, which are linked to variations in the crack width. To determine outer core-ocean porosity on Enceladus, crack width changes using precipitation and dissolution rates, and equilibrium constants at different depths using evolutionary parameters is computed. The combination of these analyses illuminates the moon's internal composition and structure.

Präsentaion: Dynamics of Planetary Bodies