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Einstein Foundation Award: celebrating rigor, reproducibility, and transparency in research

Graphic Award Call 2024

Graphic Award Call 2024
Bildquelle: Einstein Foundation Berlin

Call 2024 open now!

News vom 24.01.2024

As part of our commitment to serving the scientific community, we wish to bring to your attention the €500,000 Einstein Foundation Award for Promoting Quality in Research. Unlike most scientific awards, which honor outstanding or highly original research, this prize acknowledges efforts and ideas aimed at fundamentally enhancing the reliability of research. Together with the BIH QUEST Center for Responsible Research, the Einstein Foundation Berlin welcomes nominations for individual researchers and small teams as well as applications from institutions who have carried out pioneering work in this field. Innovative ideas from early career researchers aimed at promoting research quality are also encouraged. The award has secured funding from the Damp Stiftung for a ten-year period, benefits from additional resources provided by the State of Berlin, and takes pride in its close partnerships with Nature, PLOS, the Max Planck Foundation, and the Berlin University Alliance, all of whom play a crucial role in advancing research quality and value. The deadline for submissions is April 30, 2024. Further details can be found at https://award.einsteinfoundation.de/.

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