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Veranstaltung „Forschung mit der Gesellschaft: Internationale Perspektiven“

Tieranatomisches Theater

Tieranatomisches Theater
Bildquelle: Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

Wissenschaft und Universitäten haben eine zentrale Rolle und Verantwortung bei der Bewältigung der großen gesellschaftlichen Herausforderungen unserer Zeit. Diskutieren Sie mit unseren Gästen von der Universität Oxford Ideen, wie Universitäten mit partizipativer Forschung diesen Ansprüchen gerecht werden kann. 20. November 2024, 13:00 – 17:30 Uhr, Tieranatomisches Theater.

News vom 16.10.2024

The HU Office for Knowledge Exchange with Society at Zentrum für Kulturtechnik and the Laboratory for Transdisciplinary Research (TD-Lab) of the Berlin University Alliance invite you to a joint event on November 20, 2024.

We are pleased to announce the event “Researching with Society: International Perspectives” on November 20th 2024, a get-together at the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin on participatory research and public engagement offering learning and networking opportunities for Berlin researchers. The day will feature a keynote speech and workshops by international experts from the University of Oxford followed by a reception allowing time and space for networking and discussions.

Science and universities have a central role and responsibility in dealing with major societal challenges of our time. Knowledge exchange between academia and society is thus increasingly becoming an important part of research and knowledge production. The event welcomes all researcher, members of BUA institutions and interested science-related organizations to explore approaches and impact of participatory research and public engagement, discuss civic responsibilities of universities and network with partners from the University of Oxford. Please join us for the following program:


12:40 p.m. Doors open

01:00 p.m. Welcome by Prof. Dr. Julia von Blumenthal, president of HU Berlin

Keynote Speech by Dr. Victoria McGuinness, Head of Public Engagement, Head of The Oxford Research Centre in the Humanities (TORCH), University of Oxford

This talk will explore the vital role of universities in addressing today’s societal challenges and their civic responsibilities. It will outline the opportunities for collaboration and co-creation and the added value of participatory approaches and public engagement in research, including their impact and outcomes. The speaker will share examples of how universities can support participatory research methods and strengthen these essential practices in academia.

01:45-01:45 p.m. Parallel Workshops: The workshops are already fully booked. Please register to get on the waiting list.

Workshop 1: Public Engagement in the Humanities

Dr. Victoria McGuinness, Head of Public Engagement, Head of TORCH, University of Oxford

This workshop will delve into the feasibility of public engagement and participation across various disciplines in the Humanities. We will explore the motivations for researchers to engage in participatory projects with non-academic audiences and organizations, and identify the support needed to initiate and lead these initiatives. Participants will discuss the challenges faced in implementing participatory research approaches and public engagement, sharing methods and solutions to overcome obstacles. Join us to enrich your research through meaningful and equitable collaboration.

Workshop 2: Developing Compelling Impact Stories

Pavel Ovseiko, DPhil MSc PGDip, Senior Research Fellow in Health Policy and Management, John Radcliffe Hospital, University of Oxford

This interactive workshop will introduce you to the UK’s best practice in defining, capturing, communicating, and incentivizing research with impact on society, culture, and the economy. We will look at the fundamentals of a narrative impact case study, examine a mixture of real-world case studies, and critically discuss comparative advantages and disadvantages of different approaches to measuring and rewarding impactful research. You will walk away with real insights into what it takes to develop a narrative impact case study; which types of indicators you can use to demonstrate your impact; and how to pull different strands of evidence into compelling impact stories.

04:00 – 5:30 p.m. Reception and Networking (snacks and drinks provided)

With Dr. Victoria McGuinness (TORCH, University of Oxford), Pavel Ovseiko (John Radcliffe Hospital, University of Oxford), OPEN HUMBOLDT “Circle of experts”, HU Office for Knowledge Exchange with Society, BUA TD-Labs

When: 20. November 2024, 1 p.m. – 5:30 p.m.

Where: Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Tieranatomisches Theater, Campus Nord, Philippstraße 13, Haus 3, 10115 Berlin

Language: English

Contact: wissenaustausch.hzk@hu-berlin.de

Register for the event here.

The event is organized by the HU Office for Knowledge Exchange with Society at Zentrum für Kulturtechnik and the Laboratory for Transdisciplinary Research (TD-Lab) of the Berlin University Alliance.

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